Re-uped for 2014 (E.B.)

Started by Eric713, January 15, 2014, 08:05:15 AM

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I'm showing as a member and I picked up my calendar last Saturday.  Will I get a membership card and how can I find the most recent copy of the Cannon? Thanks.


Ed, You will get your card in about a month. You can find the Cannon in the Racing forum, about five topics down.


Yes, you will get a membership card. It will be mailed out. I found the newest cannon on Facebook at .
Welcome back!
GBCA Commodore 2014


And, as a new member, you are officially added to the mailing list for The Cannon so you'll receive them from here on out.  Membership card - coming soon!
GBCA Past Past Commodore 2013


Thanks gang!  We were members 2009,2010,2011,2012.  Took a year off to catch up on casual sailing and overnight trips. Nice to be back and really enjoying Icicle so far. Just mailed a crew membership check for my 1st mate.