Wednesday Night Sailboat Racing for 2014

Started by Big John, February 26, 2014, 06:06:58 PM

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GBCA Commodore 2014

Big John

Sorry folks, but temporarily(I hope), the web site has to be accessed by using the .org domain name. works.

Big John

Finally.  Dot com is back.  Wednesday Night Sailboat Racing's web site may now be reached by either or The technical details appear to only make sense if one regularly corrects the grammar of the Klingon used on "Big Bang Theory".  Anyway, it appears to be up and working.  The relevance vastly exceeds that of an extra quart of water unless it was in the form of a hailstone hitting your car, but the site is the place to go for finding out the latest results and see the latest rant about whatever.
Oh, heck, just come down to the Villa Capri and watch it happen in real time

Big John

To the anonymous J22 folks who sent us a message about errors in their results, it is hard to fix something without details of what you think is wrong.  FYI, Series 3 is the second entry in the list. not the third.  (caused by a fix to an earlier issue)
We do appreciate the substantial participation in this class and would like to provide service to keep you coming back.  If you could provide a little more information, maybe we can help.


Got a few pictures and video from last night's WNR. Very light wind but a beautiful day. The start pictures are at: . The video is at : Still not satisfied with the product, but it is what it is! There are two scenes of Ben coming into the finish rounding mark. After the second 2 hour import it was still there, so it stays ???. See you in Galveston (with Missy) next week for Texas Race Week!
GBCA Commodore 2014


Too cool!  Wish I was there but I will be for TRW 2014!   8)


Seen myself on two of those videos, but I've yet to see Missy.  Very stealthy.
2013 Commodore

Big John

The Wed Nite web site is down so to appease the madding crowd, here are some results.
I have to rework the s6 results.  back shortly

Big John

Results for series 6 split into handicap and one design with race results separate from series results, all pdf's.

Big John

Again because of some limit  Results for series 6 split into handicap and one design with race results separate from series results, all pdf's.


Hmm.  This is what gives me when I poke it.

403 - Forbidden Error
You are not allowed to access this address.
If the error persists, please contact the website webmaster.

If you are the webmaster of this site please log in to Cpanel and check the Error Logs. You will find the exact reason for this error there.

Common reasons for this error are:

    Incorrect file/directory permissions: Below 644.

    In order files to be read by the webserver, their permissions have to be equal or above 644. You can update file permissions with a FTP client or through cPanel's File Manager.
    Restrictive Apache directives inside .htaccess file.

    There are two Apache directives which can cause this error - 'Deny from' and 'Options -Indexes'.

Big John

Yes Bee, the site is DOWN.  Unlike most of the previous failures, It is not down because of anything easily fixable. The web host took it down because it was hacked.  They are insisting we upgrade our software (untouched since Buddy built it) to a more secure current version before they let it reopen.  I have spent far too much time already trying to deal with obsolete software.  Little annoyances like having to upgrade the software before I can use the tool to upgrade it. 
This situation is pressing hard on the fundamental law of software.  "Software is something that if you fiddle with it long enough, you can make it do something.  This is opposed to hardware, which if you fool with it enough, breaks."
Thanks for posting the error message.
I will continue to joust with this windmill for a while longer.  There are brute force and awkwardness solutions that I may be forced to.


Some time ago I switched from my own stuff to wordpress.  Its free and seems to work OK.  Not sure it would be OK for CLRA but might be worth a look.  If you allow it wordpress will automatically upgrade when one becomes available.  Only hacking issue I had was with tracebacks but the latest version lets me turn that off.

Wordpress has a number of templates that are easy to setup but not so easy to customize.  There are also a variety of calenders and other such plugins that might make your job a lot easier. You can also get a lot of help from google.

Good luck John.


John -

Not sure what Buddy used for the old site, but we've been using Concrete5 as a CMS system for a number of event sites (, and for example), but it's pretty simple to update/ad content and like Bee's WordPress install, it automatically checks for the current version and updates itself. 

Let me know if we can help. 

Ken Taylor
