Looking for a deal on a trailer sailer

Started by thomas, April 29, 2010, 11:31:31 AM

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Hey it looks like I may have a boat to race soon so send me your contact info. I probably won't be ready until I can go to the racing seminar on May 29th. I'm already crewing for someone else for the Shoe.


No doubt J22 is also a great boat. Fixed keel, but light and easy to tow. Only 2 other crew to chase around. You don't have to go far at all to race against some world class competition. I guess the only downside is you'll probably spend 3 times the money in inital cost than a C-22.   

In other news, I heard Buddy will be having a seperate start for the C-22 class on Wednesdays.  Things are certainly looking up for the local Fleet 17. 
Past Commodore, 2010


Your beginning to intrigue the fat old phart here.  Haven't been on a C22 in 30 years.  Might be interesting to come out an play again on Wed Nights.


The C22's appeal is the lower cost to get started. I'd like a bigger boat but don't want to wait to have fun until I've saved up the cash needed. The C22 allows me to get involved while still saving for a future boat.

With a separate class forming for Wednesday nights I am definitely going to have to make something happen before next year.


Hey now Bee...if that's an offer to come on a C22 if I buy one, that's a lotta incentive. From what I hear, the chance to pick your brain a little is something not to be avoided. Actually, I'm hoping to get it lined out to use a boat that someone has and they're not racing right now. Maybe you'd still come out and play...?



Don't believe everything you hear and be careful of what you hear from Brian.  I'm pushing the age where I probably should just bail and not sail.  Like I said I haven's sailed on a Catalina 22 in 30+ years so I have no idea how to make one go.


put Kevin on the jib trim and BC on the main and it don't matter the model...it'll go...


Could put you on the main as well Ed.