HYC Weather Station is back up!

Started by MaryM, April 28, 2010, 10:50:53 AM

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Word is out that the trusty weather station at HYC is back up - here's the link!


Kudos to all involved, it was certainly missed when Ike took it out.


Weather station seems to be down.  Any word getting it going again?


Word from David Hampp, the HYC facilities manager this evening is that the repeater between the instrument and  main computer is not functioning. He has climbed up the radio tower twice today in inclement weather and has not found the problem. Understandably, other priorities at the Club are not allowing him to fix it at this this time.




Looks like it is back online.
Past Commodore, 2010



For you techies out there: here's how the HYC weather station functions"[/b][/b]
1. the sensors (actually in the water @ the harbor entrance) transmit to the Harbor Office computer and "weatherlink "software
2. this data is transmitted to the HYC main server via a wireless "bridge"
3. The main server connects to the internet via the server to the Weather underground network

Why we occasionally go offline:
*When the HYC server backs up  ,the Weather link program on the Harbor computer does not always restart properly and data flow ceases.
*Occasionally there may an internet( Weatherunderground) issue
*electrical storms (interferance) may "blank" out the sensor\sender temporarily
* Hardware failure (bridge) may prevent connection to the main HYC server

FYI and all you PORTS watchers: the Morgans Point Station has been active for a couple weeks

Did you know you can view pre IKE data @ HYC  KTXSHORE 1 by entering the correct date search in the Weatherunderground  date box?


notice that the pic on the above link has shoreacres next to the gulf of mexico?  guess i missed the move.

makes you wonder.  i'm just sayin'


HYC main building took a direct lightning strike yesterday  tuesday) noon- knocked out the internet and harbor office phones KTXSHORE 1 back up as of a few minutes ago.. FYI  peak winds today of 29.6 knots and last 24 hour rain @ 2.37 gotta luv that Texas weather