2011 GBCA Rum Race #6 (8/20)

Started by ChrisK, August 16, 2011, 06:26:12 AM

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I Think you got third because of the Santa Claus PHRF rating of 179.  Your spin rating is 156 which means you are getting a 23 sec. per mile bonus.  This gives you a 5 min. head start.. BUT.. If I had it I'd use it too! Our base is 187 and we're currently rated at 167.  We ain't gonna win with this...Also Stellar Of Course flew spin and has a PHRF of 153 (spin) and got rated with a fat 209.  That's a 12 min head start for him.. OUCH!!


Lil Bit A Sol finished 19:59:28.  Passed to Kevin last Sunday via E Mail.  Must have gotten lost. He did acknowledge my e mail.. Sorry for the late info..

Terry Young

The last twenty minutes of the race the wind dropped and I looked into my magic bag and pulled out a Kite, and shifted into high gear! ?Everyone Love?s  a KITE? ( and it looks good in the pictures at the finish). Other than that it was non-spin all the way! You really should get a kite. :-) 


Terry.. I reached in to my magic bag as well and all I pulled out was a beer.

Stellar of Course

We did try to fly the spin for the very first time, what a disaster. even broke the whisker pole we tried to use as a spin pole. Not sure we will try that again for a while.

Our PHRF rating is 174 and due our poor performance  in the Rum Races we have been rated 209. I guess this will change soon.

The Rum Races have been great fun this summer, hope we can make the final two.

Ron Eddleman
Stellar of Course

Terry Young


If I get lucky and win a bottle of rum on the next race, I would be proud fill your cup with it at cub. You?re an outstanding sailor and gland there is  a club like GBCA that give so many great people and opportunity to get together and fellowship. ?KATANA? 
