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Messages - KevinBednar

Thanks, I don't mean to be a grouch or anything and both types of running lights meet the colregs as long as you're under sail.  I just think the deck lights are generally more visible at mark roundings, etc.
After the sun set last Friday night I noticed a few boats that at first appeared to not have their running lights on until I looked up and saw the tricolor light was on at the top of the mast.  I'd like to ask everyone to run their regular deck lights after dark during rum races it's simply not as easy to see a tricolor sixty feet in the air in close quarters.  Especially if you're on the high side looking for traffic under the boom....

Thank you for your consideration.
"Hey you stupid fish.  Check out the size of that outboard.  If you'd have kept running like that all day you'd be responsible for another degree of global warming."
John Mather gave me a heads up this morning that Stinger had been floating free on one corner because KBM had removed the storm riser on the piling and tossed our stern line onto the back of the boat.  He jumped aboard and re-tied it (Thanks again John) and I understand he did the same on a couple other boats down the pier.

I went down to check it out and there were several boats up and down E-Dock that were no longer tied to the piling.  I think they gave some kind of warning that they were going to be removing the risers but you'd think they'd at least re-tie those of us who had failed to heed the warning.

If you're in KBM, check your boat.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: HYC Offshore
April 23, 2010, 10:43:14 AM
That's a shame.  It's so similar to the  Heald you'd think there would be more turnout for it.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: HYC Offshore
April 23, 2010, 10:24:06 AM
Anybody know how many boats were signed up?

Anyone plan to run this race but hadn't signed up yet?
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Saving our sport.
April 22, 2010, 10:44:07 PM
PHRF-GB has given us some seriously good racing and I still haven't seen anything to convince me that ORC would be any more fair.  This after what, 4 years of testing?
Great race Dwight. 

And great racing Larry and company, good job on the big Parrot.
General Discussion / Re: J24 to Galveston-Advice Needed
February 24, 2010, 09:49:12 PM
I don't know anything about getting a shallower draft boat down to Galveston for an overnight, but if you crew on one of the boats doing the Heald, HYC Triangle or other offshore you'll get a free look at what it's like doing the ride up and down the channel (not to mention an offshore race to boot..;0)

So, being the official shill of the discussion forum I say, head over to the crew finder area and post your interest in crewing offshore.   ;D
General Discussion / Re: Benjamin Franklin, 1785
December 28, 2009, 01:06:13 PM
The more things change the more they stay the same.

On Stinger we've found that a good snacktician can really kick our game up a notch.
General Discussion / Re: Because someone asked...
December 02, 2009, 08:47:37 PM
Hey John, I care but I couldn't think of a way of posting without boasting....  ;D
Quote from: JayZ on November 13, 2009, 09:37:29 PM



Hahahah!  That's got to be the same wreck!
General Discussion / Man drives Bugatti into Omega Bay;
November 13, 2009, 12:11:25 PM

I guess he didn't order the "submersible" package.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: AC Wings
November 12, 2009, 07:49:36 PM
I bet they're doing it to "one up" the Allinghi guys.  This race is currently being sailed in winds made of money...
Quote from: Keith on October 03, 2009, 05:19:00 PM
I see you changed your karma.

You should have an idea how you  did.

I see you care about my karma. 

Stinger won PHRF Spin A and the Commodore's trophy.  You should have been there...