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Messages - STuma

John does have a point.. if you are considering racing, contact one of the riggers to check over everything... also get the engine inpsected... the strangest things can happen when we don't expect it...
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Single Handed Results
August 18, 2009, 05:51:36 PM
well, Evan, I hope you sail next year... I need a chance to catch ya.. maybe it will blow 5 knots?
Great job Kevin... You guys have perfected the system pretty well...
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Single Handed Results
August 18, 2009, 02:33:06 PM
Thank you everyone for pulling off a great weekend...
General Discussion / Re: SOS-TEX
August 14, 2009, 08:52:03 AM
thank you!!!
General Discussion / SOS-TEX
August 13, 2009, 03:57:57 PM
Can someone lead me to the class rules for the SOS-TEX class?  I know it has been discussed before, but I cannot find it...

Thank you Jim (and crew)...
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: NOOD - Big Boats???
August 12, 2009, 04:23:00 PM
"BJSailor"... I have no problem with coming out... I think we might have to implement another day for training... the problem I have been told about, and tapped into professionally, is to teach people on their own boats... anyone can take sailing lessons and seminars, but it is different when we step on their boat, with their crew, and give some pointers... Maybe have a start or two at the end where the coaches cannot touch the tiller or any lines?  In racing Blind Worlds, you learn that you have to communicate and teach what you want; you cannot touch anything (as a sighted sailor)...  I know we have a lot of talent out here that is willing to help out... I am throwing out ideas, not saying I have all the answers or the details, but our fleet is shrinking...

Evan, you are repeating John's point and frustration... the boats are there, but not sailing... the point I tried to bring out is that boats like "Painkiller", "Gold Rush", and the other sprit boats, is that they are not allowed in L70 (I might be wrong on the current rules; yes/no?)... Maybe the race committee can disregard the L70 rule and form a 70 class that will include ratings of 70-79... sprit or sym... It takes a lot of work and the 70 guys need to make phone calls and get the others fired up... "Rowdy" is still around and sailing the TRIF and Icicle Races (I've been doing some sailing with Bill and crew)...

Kuddos Kevin... I think we should use the TGIF's to get some people up-to-pace... I have started bringing my kids out on these...
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: NOOD - Big Boats???
August 11, 2009, 04:52:34 PM
I tend to remember this conversation a Wednesday Night a few back, the people that have the experience want to get paid to teach...  On one hand, why not?  But, that limits our fleet... Maybe they forsee the addiction of buying spinnakers?  There are pleny of used sails in a local resale shop, one can pick up cheap...  With that being said, if there are some non-spin boat (or new spin boats), I will donate some time to discuss basic spinnaker techniques and some on-water drills...  Maybe what GBCA can do, initiate a training day... the experienced sailors (that don't yell) can get together and go out with our newbies for a couple of hours to help build their confidence... Maybe use the TGIF's for this purpose... have a mini-skipper's meeting before the race (seminar) to talk about things to do and watch for... I am sure we can get some of our professional sailors, and even the unpaid ones, to give a hand... We are going to have to take the time and build the fleet, it won't happen by its self... We have put our time in and it is time to help someone else...


I can relate to the "finding crew" thing... we are having to rebuild our crew, but we are accepting our
ok... lost the umbrella, so I changed over to spinnaker... I know Casey has changed also... practiced last night and think have everything secured...

are wind vanes legal?

Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: NOOD - Big Boats???
August 11, 2009, 03:18:28 PM
Jeff and Kevin,

Thanks for the details... The racing in GB has improved... I will apologize for my generalization on the area, for today's racing (wow, I sound like my dad; "...back in the day...") ... when I got out, I met many people across the country that would not come back to GB because of the races were run (I remember a NOOD regatta where the wind shifted 60 degrees and no marks were changed)... I do realize that things have come a long way and it will take a while to change that reputation... there are some other factors that keep people away, but will not open that box...  I am glad we have the qualified people we do... RC isn't easy and it is a thankless job... There are many people that are behind the scenes and they don't get recgonized... We need to make sure they are noticed, before trophies are handed out...

I am glad everyone is jumping in on this... we need to have passion for the things we love... even if you have to roll your eyes at me in the process... :-)

General Discussion / Re: US Sailing...
August 10, 2009, 11:40:04 AM
Quote from: ChrisA on August 06, 2009, 10:56:01 AM
US Sailing does not write the rules. ISAF does, with modifications every four years. Boneheaded, or not, USS, along with all the other national organizing bodies, serves to consistently implement those rules and procedures, world-wide. Yes, they seem, for the most part, to be a group of overpaid egoists who charge too much for services rendered, but their ranks, like ours, include many volunteers who make our sport work. Until we write new rules and create an organization to distribute and enforce them, they're what we've got. Somebody has to be in charge.

As Kevin said, one of the big services that USS provides is the training of Certified Race Officials. You should join us on 8/29 at HYC to see what that's all about.

Thanks for explaination Chris...  It seems we all just "accept" it like government... we are willing to go with it because anything else would require change... as a geneeral question, how many of our members are US Sailing Certified RC?  i have been out of touch for 10 years and really don't know everyone's qualifications; nothing insulting, I just don't know...  I agree with the clubs staying strong, but that requires full participation; which we all have...  How many have organized and run a full regatta?  Is there still a rotation of the classes that are responisble for different regattas?  Have we given up our race time to help run an event?  I also do know it is our choice to implement and support US Sailing in our events...

If anyone feels I am targeting a particular person, or event, I am not... I am just asking questions so we all get a fire lit under us and pully participate...  I know we have a lot of people out there that know the sailing rules very well and very profecient in the regatta process...  We/they need to share that information, that will make our club strong... When we keep information secret, everything will fall apart...
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: NOOD - Big Boats???
August 10, 2009, 11:22:03 AM
I agree, which is up the L70 group... they wrote them... and up to the race organizers to recgonize the class...

Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Pipe Hazard in Channel
August 10, 2009, 11:20:31 AM
Thanks Doug.. glad you are back.. I noticed a few pieces sticking up while we were out Saturday... They did remove the sunken trawler... it is at CLMC...

Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Wednesday Night Races;
August 06, 2009, 04:01:49 PM
I am interested in comments of how to improve the WRN... beside of getting rid of me off the boat...