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Messages - beverly

Ditto that question.  Would love to be able to schedule our nail appointments around the start time...11 or 2 might help with some crew decisions too.  Thanks PRO.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / 2018 Chick on the Stick
July 17, 2018, 12:51:09 AM
Hey ladies, sorry I'm late stirring the pot on this one....I'm registered!  Let's see if we can't fill the clubhouse this Saturday night with a flock of chicks for the annual GBCA Women's Regatta (aka - Chick on the Stick). 

I'm taking Shaken out, looking to have a full crew of some oldies but goodies (old school GBCA women), with Walter doing any heavy lifting for us (don't worry honey, no coconut bra required).  Grab a boat, get registered by Wednesday at 5pm, and come on out and join the fun. 

You know our Rear Commodore Amy and her trusty helpers will have the place all decked out for us Saturday evening, with the A/C cranked - so let's fill the room with the sound of laughter and champagne corks!   

====== (_  ~~~~~~~  WooHoo!!!

See ya (on the water),
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Harvey and RR7
September 01, 2017, 09:42:00 AM
Hello fellow GBCA racers, just wanted to check in and see is any of our members are still needing help in their homes, post Harvey?   I know we all have been touched by this storm, some more directly than others.  Walter and I have a power washer and a chainsaw, some bleach and sprayers (leftovers from the McGagh's), a functional washer and dryer, and are available to help.  Please let your club know and I'm sure we can coordinate and provide the help you need. 

Beverly  :(
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Single/Double Course
August 17, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
And speaking of the Mixed Doubles - y'all realize this is a MIXED Doubles Regatta, right.   I'm a little concerned as I review the crew that are listed on the registrations....I'm not going to have everyone specify what gender they associate with, but it is the intent to have one from each gender in this race - that one crew would prefer to whiz off the back of the boat while standing and holding onto the backstay with one hand.  The other crew would probably like a bucket to squat and tee-tee.

Mixed Doubles does not mean a double Cruzan and Coke in a red solo cup.   :o
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Single/Double Course
August 17, 2017, 05:28:59 PM
Trophies are in the works.  You'll want one.  Sign up and race.  And even if you form a class late, or add to one - we'll still clap for you and give you something to hold for a picture at announcements.  We have a few unclaimed past trophies in the clubhouse, maybe you can take your pick? 

Your trusty 2017 Rear Commodore, in charge of the trophies
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Why are we not racing?
August 17, 2017, 04:52:21 PM
C'mon Scott (both of you), you left out an obvious one....."I'm on Race Committee."   Lots of us like to race, and for some reason we always raise our hands at the right/wrong moment and once again we're the ones volunteering for RC work.  I'm hoping Shaken Not Stirred will be participating more in 2018 - gray hair, squeaking knees, old boat, old crew, etc.  Hoping some of the young un's will get involved in Race Management and take a turn in the barrel.  And if anyone reading this wants to still get on the water, but not race, and has a boat and some time - we're always looking for help with resources for RC work.  Contact Kevin Hayes, our Volunteer Coordinator - for available slots on RC Crew.

Hope to see all you racers this weekend on or off the water. 

Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Texas Race Week
July 11, 2017, 10:08:11 PM
So far, 134 of your friends will be at this party, so don't miss out  8)

T-shirts are in (both old school Cotton and slinky new Tech).
Trophies are in their final stage of assembly (can you say Elissa?).
Weather is cooperating.
Clubs are readying their bartenders for our onslaught.
Benno's chefs are sharpening their knives as they prep for our great meal Saturday night.
Andy and the Dreamsicles are polishing their brass horns for a rockin' eve at the Elissa.

It's not too late to enter your boat, or buy your event passes and just come on down for the festivities.  See y'all there!

Sail.  Party.  Repeat. 
Trophies are set to etch.  If you're in a single class (there's 1 club and 1 spin), call a fellow single hander and we can put y'all in one class.  We need 3 to form.

Weather is improving by the minute!  C'mon out.

And if there's any spectators going out, reach out directly to John.

Howdy all you Captains of single, double, SOS, crew overboard, previously committed, or couldn't get another hall pass for the weekend racers!  Now is your time to shine.  Come on out and show your single and double handed skills this Saturday in the annual Conundrum regatta. 

NOR is posted, folks are registering, don't be left out.  Call your friends and foes to help your classes form.

~ Get your name on the Perpetual Trophy. 
~ Fabulous prizes. 
~ Near perfect weather. 
~ Usual grub. 
~ Unparalleled comradery. 

Oh, and free rum and beer to soothe your aching muscles and nerves. 



Hope to see you on the water.
Beverly  8)
 ***  Calling all Orange Flag Cruising Club Racers and J/109's, J/70's    ***  ..... or at least two or more of each of you....

Let's get these classes filled for the upcoming race.  The last day for ordering the cool trophies is coming up soon, let's not settle for a ribbon....get in touch with your fellow racers and get them registered! 

Did I mention the party will be epic?  Two tickets are included in your registration, so while you're signing up, don't forget to include your crew - sign them up or send 'em the link.  No car bar needed for this regatta, c'mon inside!
Imagine your name on this trophy....(see attachment).  You can have it here, but only if you register and get out on the bay for our first big regatta of the year.  Rumor has it that it's going to be a great turnout, we have 46 registered racers right now, with a few yet to enter.  If you're in a class with less than 3 boats, get on the phone this weekend and stir up a few others to come out so you can race in your chosen class.

The weather looks to be awesome.  The competition will be as good as anything you'd find on either the east or west coast.  The RC will have you racing hard.  The party will be nothing short of epic.  The stories will live forever.  Come be a part of it.

Oh, and we have cool GBCA swag for sale too, so bring you credit card, cash, or check.

Your Rear Commodore at your Service,
Beverly  8)
General Discussion / Re: 2017 Commodores Ball
January 26, 2017, 12:27:11 PM
Time draws near to save $10 on your registration for the upcoming Commodore's Ball.  Register before midnight tonight and save $10 per person - that's enough to cut your Uber bill in half for your ride home after the party!

If you want to procrastinate, I'll be able to take your information Saturday at the Rum Race, and we can sit down together and take your money and info, along with your extra $10.  Thanks!

Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Women's Regatta
September 02, 2014, 05:44:00 PM

Can't wait for the always superbly lavish after-race party.  No pressure.... :-*
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: 2013 Women's Regatta
September 09, 2013, 12:33:05 PM
Well ladies, let's have ourselves a party!  I know the guys always outdo themselves making sure we have ample girly drinks and decorations to celebrate our day on the water, so let's get our friends with boats to hop on the helm and make this an exciting event.  I know Shari (on Antares) and I will have a great time in the cruising class - doing what we do best - cruising!  So come on out and join us and let's get this other fleet formed!

See y'all on the water!

Shaken Not Stirred (applies to Margarita's as well as Martini's you know....) 8)
General Discussion / Re: 2013 Crab Trap removal
February 16, 2013, 02:44:01 PM
What time is dinner and what side dish can I bring? ;D