GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: DwightB on August 22, 2012, 03:16:53 PM

Title: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: DwightB on August 22, 2012, 03:16:53 PM
Registration for the 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta is open! Go to , under the Regatta Information tab select ?Enter The Race? and follow the steps outlined.

New this year:

? HMR Early Entry Bacardi Blast : A Bacardi Rum party for those racers who register and pay to race in the 26th Annual Harvest Moon and their crew who have submitted online waivers on or before Saturday, September 8th. The party is free to these early registrants who will enjoy the live music, food, Bacardi Rum and photo opportunities with the Bacardi girls.   It will be held on September 8th from 7 PM to 10 PM at the Seahorse Pavilion located on the south end of Lakewood Yacht Club?s property.  Space is limited, so do not delay!

? Sail-A-Thon : In 2012, a new trophy will be awarded to the boat (or virtual boat) which raises the most funds during the Sail-a-thon benefitting ovarian cancer awareness.  The Judy?s Mission trophy will honor Judy Robinson and proceeds will benefit the Judith Liebenthal Robinson Ovarian Cancer Foundation.   
Judy Robinson was an avid sailor, boat owner and HMR competitor.  She was a member of the HMR Committee and great supporter of the event.  Despite a healthy lifestyle, Judy was diagnosed with advanced stage ovarian cancer in 2009 and died within a year.  While battling ovarian cancer, Judy determined something must be done to raise awareness about the vague signs and symptoms and ineffective screening tools for ovarian cancer.  The Judith Liebenthal Robinson Ovarian Cancer Foundation was founded to further Judy?s Mission:
1)    To educate the medical community as well as women on the signs, symptoms and the critical nature of early diagnosis of ovarian cancer
2)    To fund research for effective screening and treatment of ovarian cancer

? SPOT personal locators are MANDATORY  this year

Sure hope you can join the fun this year, and also support this great cause!

Dwight Bengtson
2012 HMR Chair
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: Andrea on August 28, 2012, 11:37:22 AM
If you are planning to do the Harvest Moon Regatta this year, please enter now.  The race committee has tons of work to accomplish between now and the race start, and it gets very difficult to get everything done in time when half the fleet waits until the last two weeks to register. 
We have a very liberal refund policy up until the end of the initial registration period, so even if you are not 100% certain you can make it, consider registering now so we have an idea of how many trophies to order and how much rum to have on hand.  We rather make a few refunds than run short on trophies.
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: Andrea on September 06, 2012, 04:17:02 PM
The Early Entry Bacardi Blast is this Saturday evening at Lakewood in the Seahorse Pavilion.  Barcardi Rum, Live Music, Bacardi Girls, T shirts sales, and let's not forget, ...Barcardi Rum. 

We have Bacardi hats for the first fifty sailors who reach a minimum goal of raising $20 for the Ovarian Cancer Awareness Sail-a-thon.  We also have other incentives, like brunch at Lakewood and tickets to a Winter Wonderettes performance.  Help us spread the word about this deadly disease that took the life of sailor Judy Robinson.
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta ENTRY DEADLINE
Post by: Andrea on October 06, 2012, 11:22:18 AM
Sunday, the 7th, at 5 PM is the normal Entry Deadline for the HMR.  After that the entry fee goes up to $200. 

We are almost out of SPOTs to rent.  We have another source for SPOT rentals, so we may offer an alternative or tell you where to rent one on your own.

If you have entered, but have not provided your SPOT public shared page link, please get that to us by editing your registration form online.  The email we sent with the links will open your registration.  From there, scroll down to agree to the waiver again.  Once you submit your registration again, the next page will open where you can add your SPOT info. (EIN and Shared Page Link)

After you submit your SPOT info, the document upload page opens.  You can upload your PHRF cert, or fill out the handicap form, or upload a picture there; don't miss the check box if you want the photo linked to the registration list.

If you don't know how to get your SPOT shared page link (for your personally owned SPOT) go to our FAQ page to the last question and you will find instructions there.

If you are renting a SPOT, the vendor will provide the shared page info to us.

We are expecting a good crowd.  Hope to see you there.
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: Bee on October 10, 2012, 08:58:37 PM
Is there anyone going down that could play sag wagon for Stinger?  We need to reduce the amount of stuff we take to provide a bit of room below.  We can haul it back but it would be nice not to have to haul it down.

Please give me a shout at

bee at panoramatech dot com

Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: MaryM on October 11, 2012, 03:05:14 PM
Did I just see the weather forecast correctly?  Could we possibly have a downwind HMR?!!
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: Bee on October 11, 2012, 05:35:15 PM
Too early Mary, but 25 Downwind would be wonderful.  Might even fly my 89.
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: ChrisK on October 25, 2012, 07:19:40 AM
Good luck and sail safe!

Tracker (
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: Bee on October 27, 2012, 04:16:28 PM
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: DwightB on October 28, 2012, 12:30:16 AM
Results link......

Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: DwightB on October 28, 2012, 12:36:05 AM
A smorgasboard of conditions this year....great at the start, calm (dead calm) during the wee hours, then honking (20-30) when the front came thru on Friday early am.

Thanks to all for coming out to play....  :)

And Thank You for all of the B-Day wishes.

- Dwight
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: ChrisK on October 29, 2012, 06:36:54 AM
Great video of life aboard s/v Kenai during the HMR. Moving the mail! Nice takedown at aboout 10:00 in (
Title: Petite Louis III
Post by: Frank Tamborello on November 04, 2012, 08:18:33 AM
Anybody know a bit more behind the Coast Guard's rescue of the Petite Louis III during this year's Harvest Moon Regatta?
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: DollFin on November 04, 2012, 09:26:12 AM
We were on Big D and were pulling in to Matagorda right behind them as they were being towed. They had lost their rudder but everyone was OK.
Title: Re: 2012 Harvest Moon Regatta
Post by: Brad on November 04, 2012, 04:50:39 PM
This is the old Triple Play.  I talked to the new owner this past week.  They were doing well in the race, but as noted above lost their rudder at about 7am on Saturday.  He was just about to reef the main when it happened.  That might have saved the rudder, but who knows.  I believe the boat is at Rockport being evaluated to determine whether it can have a temporary fix and be motored back to Seabrook or needs to stay there until a new rudder is installed.  No injuries -  no issues.