GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: Tye Dyed Gary on August 03, 2014, 02:16:46 PM

Title: Fixed Marks in Galveston Bay
Post by: Tye Dyed Gary on August 03, 2014, 02:16:46 PM
While at the Skippers meeting for the Bay Cup II, I noticed that the High Range marker was called Mark"K" and not Mark"F". I asked were did they get the "K" from? Someone said GBCA's list. So when I got home I dug out an older Senior Members packet from 1995. In the packet there is a Handbook and Membership Roster, Copy of the Bylaws and Sailing Instructions revised 1992. In the SI booklet there is a picture of all the fixed marks and a written description and location (Lat./Lon.). While I understand some of the fixed marks are no longer with us, there are some that have had some changes made to them,and some still there unchanged, but we all need to be on the same page for calling them the same. 
By the way in the SI's Mark"K" is 'An orange/red floating shape located near the Baycliff Power Station approximately 1.1 nautical mile from shore, 171* and 1.84 Nat. miles from Mark"Y" and 97* and 1.35 Nat. miles from Mark"S". or 29*31'28.1 / 94*57'28.4. Both marks Y and S are no longer with us as well as the Power Station.
One last thing Seabrook Channel Marker #2 is known in the SI's as Mark"Q"
Thanks for letting me vent. Tye Dyed Gary 
Title: Re: Fixed Marks in Galveston Bay
Post by: Bee on August 03, 2014, 02:31:27 PM
There are some old charts here

What we seem to call K now is actually closer to F on these charts
Title: Re: Fixed Marks in Galveston Bay
Post by: Maarten on August 03, 2014, 02:37:17 PM
Now we are at this griping session: could we just always post the SI before bedtime the night before the race...
Title: Re: Fixed Marks in Galveston Bay
Post by: Bee on August 03, 2014, 02:45:24 PM
Oh, I am not gripping.  I used these old charts to find my way around when I first started to race (1997) on GB.  I had Kemah 2 in my chart plotter as Q until this year.  Used to drive my crew nuts (me too I think), but finally renamed it appropriately.

Looking at these old charts brings back some fond memories and also amazes at the changes.  I know I am getting old because I could not remember what Q actually looked like.  Picture was nice and explains why one should not get too close.  Some part of those pilings are still there I betcha.
Title: Re: Fixed Marks in Galveston Bay
Post by: Tye Dyed Gary on August 03, 2014, 03:15:55 PM
 First Maarten the SI's I was referring to were the GBCA Sailing Instruction Book revises 1992 not the Bay Cup II SI's. Sorry for the confusion.
Bee, thanks for posting the old marks information, I still have my hard copies. And I was on a boat summer before last that that was forced in next to Q mark and hit one of the old pilings.