French Kiss sunk early this morning:
Fortunately the Coasties did their usual heroic work.
Details from (
You have to watch a commercial but here is the video
So what happen equipment failure or error? And is FK still on the rocks or did she go down? Is there any plans to recover her?
French Kiss sank after washing over the jetties. I suspect that this will create a hazard that would have to be removed ASAP.
The boat will have to be removed even if not a danger to navigation because it has fuel on board which is an environmental hazard. I have talked to the USCG about this before and it is the owner's responsibility to remove this potential hazard. I am sure insurance covers it.
Did any one hear why it went on the jettys in the first place, equipment malfunction or just human error. Weather was blowing really hard, we were coming back thru the ditch at the sametime and saw around 27 knots of wind and sometimes up to 38 knot, it had to be ruff out there.
Despite the bad weather, the jetty is poorly marked. Even in good weather picking out Stand Pipe 5A at night is a challenge. Maybe if the light was changed from green to white, it would be plan were the end of the jetty is and there would be less boats run up on it. Not to many years ago the remains of the old light house helped you find the end of the jetty.
On another note, did they save the Manufacture Trophy?
U. S Coast Guard Search and Rescue
the Case of The S/V French Kiss
January 28, 2015
Starting at 10:00 AM -- LYC Ballroom
Outdoor Helicopter Demonstration To Follow
Actually February 28th.
Yep Feb 28. Same day as start of HYC Mid Winter.
Fat fingers or just plan not up to February yet.
Old and slow.