GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: captROB on February 06, 2010, 03:21:09 PM

Title: Where are the GBCA Club Handicap Cruisers for the Frostbite
Post by: captROB on February 06, 2010, 03:21:09 PM
OK guys and gals, the 8+ mile course around the bay is complete and its now time to get busy with the tough part of racing with the Club Handicap Group.  There are 17 of you in the group and when I looked today there was only one registered to race, Wandering Star.  What's up with that.  The whole purpose was to get us together in a group to account for the extra "stuff" we cruisers carry.  The other "cool rule" is that you can use anything on your boat, including A-Kites and probably auto-pilots (how about that Kevin)  I do know this.  Our class will disapear if we don't race in the GBCA events.  I already see that the Club Handicap class isn't listed in future races.  Sign up, it will be fun.  It makes you a better sailor and you really see what racing in "close quarters" is all about.  Please, register today.
Title: Re: Where are the GBCA Club Handicap Cruisers for the Frostbite
Post by: Eric713 on February 08, 2010, 05:23:03 AM
Rob.  I think everyone is playing this as I am.  Why spend money if the wx sucks.  I believe you'll see a number of boats sign up when we have a better idea as to what the wx will do.  Just my two cents.
Title: Re: Where are the GBCA Club Handicap Cruisers for the Frostbite
Post by: gwittich on February 10, 2010, 10:12:20 PM

Sometimes work gets in the way of more important duties such as racing. (No goggles and scarf on this race.)
However, Figaro is registered and will be skippered by her tactician Mike "Captain Coon Ass" Lecompte.
Mike is a sensitive guy, be gentle!

Re: weather - the weather is always nice when I am on a weekend work assignment.

Title: Re: Where are the GBCA Club Handicap Cruisers for the Frostbite
Post by: Bee on February 11, 2010, 06:31:05 AM
Those of us on Stinker familiar with the issue know that the correct name is Commander Coon Ass.  Now if I could just get the "sensitive" nerd to make me some real turtle soup, like he promised, I would be very happy.
Title: Re: Where are the GBCA Club Handicap Cruisers for the Frostbite
Post by: AndyH on February 11, 2010, 03:49:25 PM
Roger that on weather, especially with a north wind.  I quick hauled on Wednesday and still had a foot and a half of mud on my keel where I plowed out of and into my marina.  It's no fun paying for a race if I can't even get to it.  Good luck to all that do race.

Andy Howard
s/v Yippee HiHo
Title: Re: Where are the GBCA Club Handicap Cruisers for the Frostbite
Post by: ChrisK on February 11, 2010, 04:46:17 PM
Winter sailing can be tricky here when the north wind kicks in for a day or two. But don?t write off the Frostbite just yet!  
The 5 day forecast should give you a pretty good idea of what is going to happen with the wind driven tide.  
The corollary to this is that more often than not, the winter months can provide some of the nicest racing conditions of the year.  (Plus the added benefit of the beer staying that much colder)

The week of the race is typically when the registrations start to roll in.  
If you are still unsure, GBCA can provide a refund prior to the entry deadline which is Friday the 19th at 1930, as specified in the NOR.   You may notice that's about as late of entry as you can make it, and still have the race committee keep some form of sanity!

I can say with confidence, that you'll find it's the best deal going for you and your crew for two days of racing (and parties) on Galveston Bay.  Take a look at some of the entry fees on the east or west coast, and you'll see we have it really good here.

Finally, I would like to add that early registration really helps our wonderful volunteers plan on ordering trophies, crucial party supplies and the like.  

See you out there!