This is a new event added to the GB racing calendar this year. The NOR was just completed and will be posted 6/16. We hope lots of y'all choose to participate.
Need you sailing fix for the weekend?
J24 Circuit stop up at HYC this weekend
approx 15 J24s
Plus about 20 boats in the less than 30 ft class.
Good luck racers!
Hats-off to HYC for hosting some great one-design racing last weekend. I was sorta busy with driving, but as best I can recall, the A-Cats started first, followed by J-24, then J-22, then Lightnings, and somewhere after that Daysailors, Ensigns, maybe some Etcs somewhere in-between. Like I said, I was sorta busy steering the boat, but there was pretty much a constant series of flags, starts and roundings being called on Ch-68 from 10:00 until the finish-line boat was ready to pick up their toys and head back to the harbour. I don't know when the RC had time for lunch, since the A-Cats were often queued up for their next race just before the J-24 fleet mobbed the last leeward gate, with the J-22 and Lightnings only a few minutes behind. We had just enough time to hydrate between races, take a couple of wind-shots, and then hoist the genny for the next start. Combine that with nicely flat (from a 24-ft perspective) water and enough wind and shifts to make heros or goats of tacticians, it was a terrific couple of days of racing.
(For what it's worth, GBCA has also generally been running races with the 'Open-Mike' RC style for a while, and from a racer's point-of-view, that approach allows concentration on the start and the racing. Trying to maneuver between a half-dozen other fleets, to get a look at the board or flags, without swapping fiberglass or encroaching on other starts isn't really the 'intent' of the rules. And it's not that I had a full book of examplary starts, but it was never for lack of knowing when I should be at the line.)
Having all the boats back into the same harbor a half-hour after racing, instead of scattered around several marinas, also made for a nice ambience of cameraderie. It was a bit more staid, perhaps, than the GBCA clubhouse parties, but still very enjoyable, and I don't know of any way to get that much dockage near the GBCA space. Maybe a massive raft-up at the old Regatta/Sunset-Inn piers on Sat evening?
Anyway, Congrats & Thanks to PRO Jack Yoes, his crew, and the HYC Flags, staff, etc for hosting a suberb event.
Well said, Shelton. The Daysailers sure had fun and appreciated the hospitality at HYC.
JW - DS 3426
I agree with Shelton. I have seen a many race committees at work over the last few years and most were very good. I do not know how you folks do it. I have to say that that particular RC was the best of the best on that weekend. Kudos.