GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: ChrisK on January 14, 2011, 10:08:03 AM

Title: Icicle #2 2011
Post by: ChrisK on January 14, 2011, 10:08:03 AM
Starting this thread in an effort to keep the number of threads consolidated for I#2!

Weather forecast looks like Saturday (again) is the day to go sailng.

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Title: Re: Icicle #2 2011
Post by: DollFin on January 15, 2011, 08:36:13 AM
Quote from David this morning while checking the weather for today: "Common sense says we should stay home. In lieu of common sense, we have foul weather gear".
Title: Re: Icicle #2 2011
Post by: Terry Young on January 15, 2011, 07:38:15 PM

Where did the wind go, should of been 9 to 10! O well it was still fun and it did not rain! Many thanks to all that made it happen!

Title: Re: Icicle #2 2011
Post by: ChrisK on January 15, 2011, 10:12:19 PM
That was one of the more unusual Icicles, still...things worked out in the end. Good times!
Title: Re: Icicle #2 2011
Post by: Tye Dyed Gary on January 16, 2011, 12:35:00 PM
Plus, Jody, did another great job on the after race party.
Thank you again!
Title: Re: Icicle #2 2011
Post by: Sailchick on January 16, 2011, 02:33:41 PM
I'm the one you see running around but really, a lot of people do those parties --- Kudos to Beverly, Corrie, Jim, Kevin and all the clean up crew!
Title: Re: Icicle #2 2011
Post by: Bee on January 16, 2011, 03:35:54 PM
Really was weird weather.  I had told Apple on Friday that the weather was going to be nice.  Then I get up on Saturday to rain at 6:00 and think the weather is going to be terrible.  When we get to the gate there is almost no wind.  We are all puttering around keeping our fingers crossed hoping for some breeze.

We grimace as Tenacious goes backwards in the current at their start and then smile as we realize the wind is going to fill in just as the faster boats start.  Wind keeps all the slower boats near the start and then fills in just perfectly for us faster boats.  After that it was just a parade. 

Not complaining, but it would have been a lot fairer and probably more fun for everyone if the wind had filled in a bit earlier and there had been at least one weather leg.

There's always next Saturday

As usual, the party and comradery were great.  Thanks all.