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Messages - BJSailor

There will be an Advanced Race Management seminar at HYC on 11-12 Feb (weekend after the Super Bowl).  Cost is $75 and registration must be completed on the US Sailing website.

For more details, contact Wayne Coulon at or (not sure which one is most current) or Jack Yoes at  You can also contact the HYC office for more information.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: 2016 Performance Cup
March 24, 2016, 09:36:46 AM
Quote from: hayesrigging on March 22, 2016, 09:24:38 PM
Brian I agree.  In many cases the size of boat and rating go hand in hand but there are some cases where boat type should over rule the rating in determining the class splits.  I think the Ben 25 not being able to race in a w/l class this weekend is the start of a big problem that we have.  This is the premiere GBCA w/l race of the year and the Ben 25 is no doubt a race boat.  They wanted to race w/l and were automatically put in the distance class cause they are an aftermarket sprit. 

I believe until we hear from more boat owners or regatta organizers on this topic I am afraid nothing is changing. 

In the conundrum maybe Psyched will be in the "symmetrical home built class"?

I'd be interested in what owners / racers / crew / peanut-gallery think about forming classes with boat size as well as handicap in mind. 

What's the prevailing opinions on mixing sprit boats with pole boats (I'm not EVEN going near the factory-after-market-owner-installed-semi-sprit-thing) of similar size and handicap?

Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: 2016 Performance Cup
March 22, 2016, 08:00:09 PM
Quote from: hayesrigging on March 17, 2016, 08:17:43 PM
The 3 boat one design class (J109) this weekend is exactly what I've been talking about in regards to class splits.  There could be a great class A with the 122, c&c115 and 3 J109s.  Then have the rest of the boats Melges 24, J-80, j-92s, J-70 and Pingo in Class B.  I would also add in the Ben 25 (which is another reason not to split the "factory vs non factory sprits".  When was the last time you saw 8 boats in a under 30' class with all relatively similiar design on GB? 

Where will the class split be if the 109s have there own class?  It's not fair racing for either end of the spectrum in the PHRF group.  I never recall sitting in a PHRF committee meeting and someone on the board ask "how well will a J-122 sail against a J-80"?   PHRF works with similiar boats of similiar size. 

Just my thoughts!

I've been listening to this thread for a while.  Kevin, you may have hit the nail on the head!  "PHRF works with similar boats of similar size."  We all know that conditions affect boats of similar size in a similar way.  Boats under 30' (arbitrary length split...) react similarly in wind and chop - big puffs overpower all boats and the all need to depower, short Galveston Bay chop is a challenge to drive for all.  Boats over 30' all benefit in light air from the small puffs aloft that the smaller boats can't reach and the larger boats can power through the chop much better than the smaller boats.
What caught my attention was the last sentence "PHRF works with similar boats of similar size". 
What about making the fleet splits more in line with boatlength vs. PHRF numbers?  Sure, you may get some broad handicap number splits.  But, if the wind and waves affect similar sized boats similarly, then their respective PHRF handicap should even out the differences.  In other words - SIZE MATTERS:-)

Caveat to the above - I don't want to enter the fray with regard to sym vs. asym or sprit vs. pole vs. factory-after-market-retrofit-sprit. 

Sorry for the delayed reply - I was off the grid working an event on the west coast.
I've got to admit that the first Fall Series event was surprisingly enjoyable.  Bill provided some explanations and clarifications at the Competitors Briefing so that we understood his intent for what he was trying to do.  The conditions were great and we had a great sail.  the RC was spot-on with keeping up with the starts and finishes.  The cruising type race was actually fun to sail. 
Bill should be applauded for trying something new and different with this.  It's thinking outside the box that introduces innovation to racing and hopefully increases participation.
Might add some clarity to others if the applicable SI sections were included...
9d - On the distance course the starting line AND finish line will be between a floating orange ball on the port end and a signal boat on the starboard end.

11 - 11.THE START
a. On the windward / leeward course races will be started by using rule 26 with the warning signal made 5 minutes before the starting signal.
b. The distance course will be a handicap race.
i. All starts will be between 13:00 and 13:30 hours.
ii. Each skipper will make their own decision to start the race at the time of their choosing between 13:00 and 13:30 hours.
iii. When a boat is ready to start she shall signal her intention by flying a white flag, shape or object from her backstay. The race committee will capture her start time as she crosses the start line.
iv. No starts will be accepted after 13:30 hours.
v. This changes rule 26.
c. The starting line will be as described in the section above "MARKS".
d. Boats whose warning signal has not been made shall avoid the starting area during the starting sequence for other races.
e. Boats that are not flying a white flag, shape or object from her backstay shall stay clear of a boat that is.

13b - If the race committee is absent when a boat finishes, she should report her finishing time, and her position in relation to nearby boats, to the race committee at the first reasonable opportunity.

15 - Boats failing to finish within 20 minutes on the windward / leeward line (and 60 minutes on the distance line) after the first boat sails the course and finishes will be scored Did Not Finish without a hearing. This changes rules 35, A4 andA5.
Looking at the SIs...
-  9d specifies "...On the distance course the starting line AND finish line will be between a floating orange ball on the port end and a signal boat on the starboard end..."  but the diagram adjacent specifies that the finish line for the distance course has the RC boat on the port end and a mark (unspecified color or shape) on the starboard end.  Needs correction / clarification.
-  11.  This does not describe a race, it describes a cruise.  How does a competitor determine what boats they are racing against, where they are during the race in relation to other boats, or where they finish?
-  11d - Does this mean that distance race boats are expected to loiter in the starting area until they decide to cross the start line?  This sounds very risky in that it will cause any number of competing boats from different classes to interfere with each other and potentially cause conflict and collision as all these boats congregate in the start area waiting for the wind shift or velocity increase or starting as close to the 30min limit as possible.  A more considered approach to safety and good race management might be considered.
-  13b - Is it the RCs expectation that, even though the RC says they will record start times, that a finishing boat is now responsible for reporting their own finishing times?  If the RC is taking ownership for recording start times of the boats cruising on the long course, they should also own the finishing times.  Clarification is needed.
-  15a - If boats cruising on the distance course have no idea of the start times or finish times of other boats, how are they to determine the time limit?  Without specific start times known to the racers, they have no way to determine the duration of the race or the time limit.  And, DNF without a hearing?  This needs serious reconsideration in light of the above.

Though the idea of increasing participation in the one-design aspect of the HYC Fall Series by inviting other J/22 boats is a wonderful idea and should be considered for other HYC club series in the future, the pursuit race (the single area of sailboat racing not only in this area, but also across the USofA that is actually increasing participation) has been eliminated in favor of a cruise for non-one-design boats with no way of determining where you are with respect to competition and advantage possibly granted to boats that start either earlier than their regular handicapped start times or later.  What's the point?

Hopefully, the changes to the Sailing Instructions will provide some clarification to some minor oversights in procedure and proofing.  As for the cruising format???...
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: 2015 Rum Races
August 28, 2015, 09:25:26 PM
Bee, you've been drinking again?
That footage from the drone is FRIGIN AMAZING!
Just a reminder to all race committee folks as well as racers in the Galveston Bay area.  the One-Day Race Management Seminar at Houston Yacht Club will be held this weekend (Sunday) This course is designed as one of the qualifying steps for a US Sailing Club Race Officer Certification, but is not limited to Race Committee folks.  This course is valuable to racers and provides an excellent view into the process and activities that the Race Committee (and particularly, the Principal Race Officer) perform in setting courses and running races.
This isn't a "show up" seminar - there is preparation.  Each attendee is expected to complete the study questions before the seminar.  These will be reviewed during the presentation.  There is an on-line test that will be taken after the seminar which will grade your knowledge and is also part of the CRO qualifying process.

The ODRMS is an excellent venue for those interested in race committee work, sailors and racers who are interested in the details of your Race Management crew, and those interested in becoming certified Club Race Officers.  Go to the link below and register!  Donuts and kolachies will be there for a light breakfast and a make-your-own sandwich lunch is also included.  This is an all-day event, but there will be time built-in for question/answers.
A One-Day Race Management Seminar is scheduled for 4 May at the Houston Yacht Club.  This full-day seminar, test, and application will qualify individuals to become Club Race Officers.
Below is a link to all the information and links to register, access the Study Questions, and additional information. 
It is important to emphasize the Study Questions.  It is expected that every participant will have completed all of the Study Questions BEFORE attending the seminar.  Just answering the questions is the first step – providing citations to the RRS that apply to each question provides additional knowledge of the Racing Rules.  Please encourage anyone interested that completion of the Study Questions is important.
If you have any questions or need any assistance then just let me know.

Brian H.
Quote from: svShearwater on January 27, 2014, 04:44:40 PM
So I just received my 2014 rating.  Our largest headsail is now only 120% LP instead of the typical 150% LP for our boat.  Also, our largest spinnaker is now 1400 sq. ft. instead of the standard 1650 sq. ft.  Given those too "significant" sail reductions, I was surprised my rating changed exactly 0.  So, does that mean that I can still run my 150% genoa and big spinnaker even though they are not listed as the max sail areas on my rating certificate? 
Rather than challenging your rating, you might want to ask some questions of the PHRF folks and get more information about what the "gates" are in rating your boat.
For example, perhaps in order to get a 3 second bonus your headsail must be 115% LP or smaller and your 120% doesn't make the "gate" to get the bonus.  Same with your chute - you might ask about the square footage or whatever chute measurement they use to see why you didn't get the bonus for a smaller chute.  Again, you might have a chute that isn't quite small enough.
Rather than be contentious, try getting the whole story and understand how / why your rating was assigned as it was.  Some folks truly don't like PHRF (or whatever rating system they are being graded by - including one-design measurements) but most of them never ask the "why" question and get the facts about how they were assigned their rating.  There will always be a vocal minority who complain no matter what number they get.  Most of them just need to work on their preparation and practice.  Vince Lombardi - "Perfect Prior Practice Prevents Piss Poor Performance" - I've always liked that one...
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: 2014 HYC revognaH 1/1
January 01, 2014, 08:03:07 PM
It was a fun day on the water.  Yea, little / no wind, but everyone had a great time.  Fun time getting out of the harbor with one boat racing out under motor through the smaller boat trying to drift out!  No wake doesn't apply when it's drifting conditions.
Black eyed peas, cornbread and cabbage for those who made the after party.  Hamburgers sat and got cold on one table - guess there was another after party!!!
Overall, a great day to be on the water.  Thanks Billy R. and crew for the RC work, and thanks HYC for hosting.
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Kidd Pictures
November 22, 2013, 04:00:54 PM
Quote from: ShakenNotStirred on November 19, 2013, 03:53:58 PM
Sure looks like you were on port to begin with (see IMG_1485)...
and from the pictures it doesn't look obvious that Capt Kidd was being propelled by machinery.  If she were, then of course she was the burdened vessel and you were obligated to hold course and speed.
But all I see is the photos.
1484, 1485, and 1498 - Stinger on port.  1499 stinger crash gybing on to starboard within a couple lengths of Kidd.  Did anyone holler "Rammiing Speed!!!".  Kidd appears to be propelled by sail (all sails full, drawing and trimmed for the apparent wind) rather than power - though they may have had their moter running, it appears to not be engaged since no prop wash is evident.  Should Kidd have been on the finish line?  Stupid idea, but not breaking any rules.  Three boat length circle and finish line really don't matter to Kidd and had no real bearing on his obligations (or lack thereof).

Bet it was exciting for all to watch!
Galveston Bay Area Racing / Re: Kidd Pictures
November 19, 2013, 08:18:33 PM
Looks like Stinger got schooled by Kidd and Uzi:-)