HSC dredging update.

Started by PrisSail, May 14, 2014, 01:31:47 PM

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Within the next few days there are plans to place a submerged dredge line crossing the North Boater Cut on the green side of HSC.  The pipeline will be outside the barge lane.  The  bottom survey of the crossing location shows the bay bottom at -11 MLT, so not accounting for tide there should be at least 8 feet of water over the pipe.

Once the green side of HSC is dredged (expect about a week or two), the crossing will be moved over to the red side.  The dredging is still on track to be completed by mid June.

It has been reported, but not yet confirmed, that the submerged crossing at South Boater Cut has been removed.  The crossing at Five Mile is still in place and will need to remain there until dredging is complete, as the material is being pumped into the island immediately north of Five Mile.

Additionally, it has been reported that near HSC light 59, just slightly NW of that ATON two markers, a red and a green, are anchored.  It might be possible that these markers were previously marking the South Boater Cut submerged crossing, and that the contractor is just "storing" them there until they can be retrieved, I'll post more information when I find out.  In the mean time, it is prudent to avoid the area.
The right of way goes to the vessel with the least competent crew.


The crossing at North Boater Cut has been laid (green side of HSC).
The buoys near Light 59 were from the crossing across Houston Ship Channel.  That crossing was removed, and the buoys were scheduled to be removed yesterday (Thursday).
The right of way goes to the vessel with the least competent crew.


As of yesterday, May 20, the red and green buoys had not been retrieved from near HSC Light 59.  That I know of, they are not marking anything, just being stored at that location.  I do not know if they are lit so be aware of them if you sail in that area at night.
The right of way goes to the vessel with the least competent crew.


Here is the latest info from my contact at the USACE:

"I went out to the job site yesterday; all pipe and buoys between Mid Bay Island and Redfish has been removed.  Buoys you were talking about have been moved up towards the pipeline "raft" north of Mid Bay.  We've still got submerged and floating pipe running between PA 14 (island across from Bayport Flare) and Mid Bay.  Dredge is working on the red side of the channel, near Mid Bay island.  A bit of good news:  we believe that dredging of the channel should be complete this weekend, beating my earlier forecast.  Will need another 2-3 weeks to remove all the pipeline and equipment from the site."
The right of way goes to the vessel with the least competent crew.