Orion needs one crewperson for 2011 HMR

Started by dpopken, September 23, 2011, 09:50:44 PM

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We sail non spin, total of four, so no rail time.  Would prefer an experienced sailor, but I'm open to an impassioned plea.......


dpop - If you still have a spot please let me know. I own and beer-can race a C27 in Austin - and just crewed on the "Race to the Border" and return delivery, so have some ocean experience as well. I'm all geared up and ready to rock!

Thanks for reading this impassioned plea!


I am looking for a ride in the HMR. I own a C&C 38 so am experienced at sailing. I am also an instructor on the tall ship Elissa.
Please feel free to call me @ 281-788-4322 to discuss options. Brian


We have our crew complete.  Thanks all for replying!