Registration is now available for the 2012 GBCA Commodore's Ball! The Ball will be on February 4th, 2012 at the Kemah Community Center.
Please join us and sign up today!!
Go to the home page www dot gbca dot org and click on "REGISTER TODAY!!"
You are cordially invited to the 2012 GBCA Commodore's Ball on February 4th.
Please click here to view the invitation!
I look forward to seeing everyone at the Kemah Community Center on the 4th. (
Early Registration ends THIS SATURDAY! Sign up today to avoid those late fees and we will see you on February 4th!!
Running into some problems for the 2012 GBCA Commodore's Ball registration.
Is it $50 per person early registration(one person only), or is it $50 per person early registration and that includes one guest.
Try to include my wife Carol but did not seem to take the information. To make it a bit easier can I pay at the club Saturday with my credit card or is it check or cash only?
Sorry, we can't take credit cards but you can pay by cash or check this weekend - just find a board member! If you want to try to register again and pay with a credit card online - it will remember you. Here are the instructions, our apologies for how tricky it was.
Stolen from ChrisA:
If you are registering for you and a guest, you must do more than just enter the guest's name on the initial registration page. You must click on "Add Guest" toward the bottom of the page and then enter the guest's name again. This will properly register the guest and charge you the correct amount.
If you have already registered and thought you were also signing up your guest, but were only charged $50 instead of $100, Go back into registration. It will tell you that you are already registered, but will allow you to add your guest.
Sorry, we don't write the programs.
Even though you might have missed the Early Bird Registration -- please continue to sign up online so we have a good count for the caterer!
Thank you and see you Saturday!
GBCA has secured some courtesy rooms at the Holiday Inn Kemah for this Saturday night. (it is literally across the street from the Kemah Community center - NO driving necessary)
You will have a discounted rate if you say you are with GBCA. You can call ahead and make reservations or walk in on Saturday to book your room.
Rooms with 1 king bed or 2 queen beds are available.
More information soon on rates.
(If you are coming from Houston or out of town, we really encourage you to please stay locally and not drive. - Thanks!)
Rates are -- Single $109 and Double $119.
You must call the Holiday Inn Kemah DIRECTLY! (not the 800 number)
Call 281 334 0003
Request the GBCA Group code and the date (2/4/12)
If anybody is coming down early for the Commodore's Ball and can't work on the boat because of weather, come on down and help with set up for the party. If you really want to have some fun, stay late for the clean up party. If interested, give me a call or email.
Scott Lacy
m/v Tramp
Wow, that was fun!
Many thanks to the volunteers that made it happen, and for the Sportsman of the Year...
It's the highest honor to be voted by your fellow peers.
Thanks again!
Quote from: ChrisK on February 05, 2012, 03:41:40 PM
Wow, that was fun!
Many thanks to the volunteers that made it happen, and for the Sportsman of the Year...
It's the highest honor to be voted by your fellow peers.
Thanks again!
Congratulations Chris,
You deserved it.
Yes congratulations to all! Was a few nice evening enjoyed by all I believe. Bid D and Tres Hombres made out like fat cats (well deserved), Kelley Dees took home the Lacy Legacy volunteer award (well deserved also) and Karen Penrose for GBCA Sportsmanship Award (also well deserved and I believe me all made that clear!) and especially Chris Kelley GBCA Yachtsman of the Year. Chris has done so much to promote GBCA!
Congratulations to Jody for a great evening and touching story of her sailing career. Very nice. I think we are in good hands!
And to all the board members and flag officers and volunteers who will keep GBCA headed in the right directions for another great year of sailing in 2012.
Congradulations to all!
John Lacy
mv Tramp
sv Flying Kiss
(now I just hope I got everything right :o )
Many thanks to all the unseen people that put this all together, decorated the place and to the photographer that donated her time and the great photos. My wife and I ( maybe more me) had a great time, and now she has some new friends, which means maybe she will come out more and then I can volunteer some of my time if we are down more! I would do it now,now but it?s a three hour round trip drive from Katy TX, so all my time it sent driving and getting the boat ready.
My hat is off to all!
I also wanted to say thanks to everyone here. As Chris said, to be voted by your peers is indeed an honor, and for someone so new to this sport, it was something I genuinely never expected! Seeing the names of the previous Yachtsman of the Year winners made me more astonished that you would vote me among them, but I still say that it was Dave, Jim and Scott who really deserve the honors. It was their experience, guidance and teamwork that made us successful; I just held the darn stick! 8)
For anyone interested -- Layla will be putting up all of the photos on her website so you can order additional pics if you choose. She donated her talent and her time so please remember her when looking for a local photographer for senior pictures, weddings, engagement photos, you name it!
LeZu Photography
Layla Hillail
281 732 1216
You can now purchase photos from Layla's website. Follow the link below.
The link to view the photos: (
and the password is commball.