Registration & NOR available at:
Hey Chris, what are your intentions for non-spin and Club Handicap courses for Frostbite? Are you leaning toward W/L or distance races?
Quote from: DuaneB on February 07, 2012, 05:11:45 PM
Hey Chris, what are your intentions for non-spin and Club Handicap courses for Frostbite? Are you leaning toward W/L or distance races?
Yes. Depends on how many boats sign up in each class.
Club is likely to be distance around fixed marks.
Non Spin is likely to be W/L; but, could be....
Six boats registered and no classes have formed. This is next weekend folks. Let's get signed up!!
Hmmmm. Is this a sign of "we want more then one day"?
Guess not.
It appears that there will be at least 5 105's out for this, but I'm guessing there will be 6.
Where are the rest of you big boys?
Adios Dos is in...
Balance Act, Footloose, Attitude, Further...come out and play!
Outside chance we could have 7 105's.
IS this a sign of "we want more than one day?" We had such a positive response last year from our one day regattas that we decided to do it again! Does it get any better than coming out for an intense regatta on Saturday followed by a great party and then sleeping in on Sunday? (I don't think so!) Sign up!!!
Do we know any start times?
The NOR states: The warning signal for the first race of the regatta will not be before 1100 hours February 18, 2012.
m/v Tramp
OK Non-spin peeps, where are you???????
A better question is "Where are the big boats?"
Are we getting too old for this?
Anyway, 18 boats seems a bit light. Would have expected at least 30.
I guess the 80% chance of rain will dampen anyone's spirits but what the heck its only water.
More rum for the rest of us!
For those who were rained in & not at the meeting, the racing instructions need to be posted and are not as of 10:10 PM Friday night 2/17/12. Please post or advise.
SI's are posted on Regatta Network and the front door of the GBCA club house.
I heard AP, delay until noon...? (
Thanks RC for a great job! A challenging day with the morning weather, and wind shifts. The trifecta of course 4 was the right call. A special thanks to Beverly Caldwell and Jim Wells toughing it out on the 17ft Whaler. The radio traffic from the markset made us laugh on several occasions!
Sooooo lets see, next regatta...who in GBCA has big(ger) boats to help run markset and pin? ;)
I agree that Beverly and Jim did a wonderful job with great attitudes despite the PRO pestering them to death. We (GBCA) could use more help with boats for setting marks, and particularly changing courses when the wind shifts. Call any Board member if you can help.
Pictures are loading.
mv Tramp
sv Flying Kiss
As usual John. Great shots and I did enjoy them
If no one else will say it
Getting 3 races off was a feat of incredible proportions.
Thanks for the work. Sixty degree shifts are not all that easy to deal with.
Quote from: Bee on February 20, 2012, 07:38:02 PM
If no one else will say it
Getting 3 races off was a feat of incredible proportions.
Thanks for the work. Sixty degree shifts are not all that easy to deal with.
I totally agree.
Thanks, and many thanks to the hard working crew (Beverly and Jim ) on the markset boat for doing the heavy lifting.
And Bev is so smiley and cute out there its fun to watch as well.
Thanks for the great pics John Lacy!
Several really good ones
Check out this J105 start: (
The visiting J105s coming in for the Midwinters better bring their 'A' game!
Some nice driving in the nonspin fleet too, Tenacious vs Island Time (
Again, great job RC. It would be difficult to do it any better given the conditions