It's twenty (20) days till the first Icicle. So it's about time to get out the SI's.
A request!!!! Keep last years Icicle instructions, just change the dates. They are simple, easy to understand and pits similar type boats together, vs the mess caused by the over or under the (SA/D), and the different type & size boats that raced against each other in the Rum Races.
My two cents worth. Gary
Thank you for reminding us who are working full time how much free time you have.
You can find the schedule of races on the GBCA calendar, found under the Events tab. Luckily, they are scheduled as they have been in the past; each Saturday in January and the fifth race negotiated around the Commodore's Ball.
With your excessive amount of spare time, I appreciate you hosting the first social....
Marathon Pipeline is working in Seabrook Dry Storage today, on the gas metering station north of the powerline towers. They said they hope to be finished this afternoon, but you know how that goes. Anyway, I pointed out the area that was needed to have crane access, and the foreman said he would keep that area clear tomorrow it they didn't finish today.
Looks like the sa/d is back. :'(
Yea it's back, and it lumps most of the spinnaker boats into one group despite the fact that Symmetric and Asymmetric boats have totally different aspect of sail.
I know this is after the fact and does not apply to the 1st Icicle Race. BUT, because of the unpredictability of the winds we to extend the time limit by one hour to 1600. This could be easily done with an amendment to the SI's.
When you look at the posted results from the first Icicle, you can see there would have been a lot more rum handed out.
Amendment to bump finish time cut off to 4pm is posted
2020 Series results: click here (