co?nun?drum [kuh-nuhn-druhm]
1. A riddle, the answer to which involves a pun or play on words.
2. A problem admitting of no satisfactory solution
3. A difficult and complicated problem
4. Anything that puzzles.
See also:
- Riddle
- Bewilderment
- Mystery
- Gordian Knot
April 28th.
At risk of sounding like The Franklin Mint, there is a limited edition t-shirt for this fifth running of The Conundrum. It is a baseball shirt in gray with navy 3/4 sleeves. Lovingly crafted in cotton with a one bizillionth micron coating of pure 24 karat gold*, only 50 of these high quality heirloom garments will ever be made. You can purchase them online by adding them to your cart at registration. (
*just kidding about the gold
Sneak peak at the Conundrum V shirts 8)
Is that the super chicken? Hmm. Looks like no chicken I have ever seen.
This weekend!! ;D
Hmmm. 6:30 Saturday morning and planning our strategy. My brain hurts and it's not from lack of caffeine. Calculating wind shifts (maybe), velocity change (unlikely), toss in pursuit style (should I just follow the herd?)
Maybe just roll the bones and eat some alphabet soup for breakfast...
I also noticed that there are no slouches on the scratch sheet.
Darn near everyone on the list has won some rum in the past.
I think the plan is to take our lumps early...I'll have two cubes of sugar with my coffee... :P
Slowly getting the pics out there :(
But almost done. ;D
m/v Tramp