Here is the deal. I have purchased the charts, added refrigeration, AIS and lee cloths to the boat. I purchased a used life raft but just found out today that is will be condemned. Does anyone know where I can rent or borrow a ISO or SOLAS certified life raft? If I can not find one I will have to withdraw from the race. A new 6 man raft costs over $3800 which is not in this years budget.
Denny Fegan
I think Kevin Hayes at Hayes Rigging might be able to help you.
Aviation life rafts for rent.
I'm not sure they meet the qualifications you listed, but might be worth looking into (
I just saw an advertisement for a 4-6 man life raft for $1,500. The ad was either in Sailing World or Sail magazine.
I stand corrected - the ad was in the May 2012 Sailing Magazine. Company is called Survival Products and they advertise a 4-6 man life raft for only $1,370. And a 9-13 man for only $1,785. Here's their number - - 954 966-7329