The Women's Regatta is September 12th. Let's see if we can get as many boats for this event as we had for the Mixed Doubles! This year the event will take on a "Luau Theme". Along with the traditional awards, there will be a few additional awards (more details to follow). Please sign up early. Weather permitting the awards will be at the pool.
Which fleet will be larger, Spin or Non-Spin? So far the Non-Spins are ahead!
Non-Spin 2
J/22 1
Non-Spins are still ahead!
The 1 J-22 is me - Leigh Ann - come on spin boats I know we can beat Kathlyn's non spins!!!!! :)
Ok, come on ladies....Non-Spins will win this one....won't they?????
I have beer, I have costumes, I have guys to wear the costumes and trim the sails and tell me where to go and fetch me beer, and luckily - I came equipped with, I just need a boat. I'm looking for a J80.
<Bump (& grind ;) )>
Did someone say coconuts?
Next weekend.
Still only 3 boats registered.
Patience my friends, patience. Most registration happens week-of, esp. on the heels of a holiday weekend.
Speaking of: a nifty link to register here (
I heard plenty of scuttlebutt on Wednesday, maybe some J105s to come out and play...maybe some some J80s...
No shortage of talented drivers around here!
:-\ So, here we are just days before the GBCA Women's Regatta and ONLY 3 boats signed up! Where is everyone????? As we've said before, this will be a "Luau--Hawaiian" themed regatta/party! In addition to the regular trophies. There will be a few additional awards to be given out:
1. Best dressed crew on check-in
2. Best coconuts
3. More as we think of them.....check back ........
I will be there - with coconuts on!
4 Spins ------- 2 Non-spins
Come on Non-spins... sign up!
;D Aloha! We now have 9 boats signed up! Keep signing up, I still have a couple of strands of hair left.
Aloha! Ok, we now have 10 boats entered. Hopefully the weather will somewhat cooperate with us. Remember that this is a Hawaiian Themed Regatta. In addition to the regular awards, there will be awards for the "Best Dressed Crew" at check-in and the "Best Coconuts". Skipper's meeting is tomorrow night.
We have ten Spins and five Non-Spins signed-up. That?s the most in several years.
Now for the really good news: The new batch of GBCA Tervis Tumblers has arrived. We?ll sell them at the party on Saturday. $20 for the 16oz and $25 for the 24oz.
As they say, Ladies first!
Some of us "in-town" girls won't make the skipper's meeting. Hope that's okay. Can't wait to race Ladiez!
Preliminary SI's are available from the Notice Board and at: (
Results are up at: (
The racing looked close. The party was a BLAST. I'm afraid to post pics :D
Great job racers and all involved.
I have posted a little over 1100 pictures to flickr but cannot get them into a set. flickr is acknowledging they are have an issue so if you go to you can find the pictures. I have one picture loaded in the GBCA Women?s Regatta 2009 set ( of oubabe.... Hopefully I can get the rest setup.
Was a fun race and a blast of a party. Thanks to the coconuts. ::). and all the volunteers that make GBCA a great place to race.
Finally! Got all of the photos into a set!
Really wish I could have made the race and/or party. Pictures really are great. Thanks.
The racing was close. Starts were at least as aggressive as usual, maybe more so. We?ve got some great women sailors at this club that can win the race and the party 8)