Is there a reason why the race results don't include actual and adjusted finish times? Some of the older regattas illustrate this info, but the latest regattas just show order of finish. It would be nice to know how close or far away we were from the boats finishing in front of us..Being a newbe, it may boost our morale somewhat!
Go to the Regatta Network page, view results and click on the individual race for all info. Hope this helps.
Thanks kathlyn for the help. I checked the regatta site and its the same thing. All it shows is order of finish with no finish times. The Frostbite Regatta had the additional info. Guess we just gotta get faster!
Which racer/regatta are you trying to view? I looked at the singled handed results and clicked on the number indicated the race. This number is on the top bar on the right. It is true that if you are in a OK class (J22, J24, Viper, ... ) you will not see any times, but all the handicap races I looked at had times.
Yep!! I didn't click on the race number. My wife found it.. Life is good. We may be newbies , but we are learning. Thanks for the help!!
Too bad I made so many typos. OK should be OD among others. Glad you got what you needed.