Sad news. Ed was a great guy, long time sailor, and supporter of GBCA
Ed made my first sail at C&C sail makers in my younger days, it was for my 14 foot cat, he was always helpful, and always willing to share his knowledge, he will be missed, but now he sails into better waters, rest well! Terry Young
Ed was a great guy and was quick to share his knowledge and experience to anyone who wanted to talk to him. He had made all of my sails on Tenacious and Orion and Butch his shop manager, has sailed with me over the last several years. I will miss him a great deal and I can only say that he was one of a kind. I can only wish warm seas and a following wind along with a couple of rum and cokes! For the people up in Heaven sailing with out, because if you pass across his path, he will hit you. Take care Ed, we will all miss you.
Ed did not make all my sails but those he did make were some of the fastest I ever used. Took him three tries (OK Kevin blew out the second in a 30 knot gust so maybe just two) before he got it right, but the 110 sq. mt red and white special is by far the fastest kite I have ever used. Butch has the design and I am sure Ed will be looking over his shoulder from that great sailing venue in the sky when he makes a new one. The two blades Ed made were both faster and longer lasting then those from more famous national lofts and the 155 is just perfect in every way.
I will definitely miss my "Friday's with Ed." Those were both a fun and a learning experience for me. Ed had so much knowledge there was always something new every time I showed up. We would talk about everything from politics to our favorite local yokels, but we always came back to sailing. From cloth to design and from racing start to racing finish, Ed knew it and had done it all.
Loosing Ed is not a pleasant thing, but I think he will have a great time chasing sail boats on that big pond up high. And yes, should you compete against him there, don't get in his way if the rules are in his favor. He knows how to take advantage!
Sail on Ed I will miss you a bunch.
Every year for the Bank Regatta, Ed would generously donate a prize of some kind or race sleeves or whatever he could. I would swing by the loft (so convenient because it's up in town) and there he would be, sitting at his computer, under years and years of old Galveston Bay regatta posters and he would just be smiling. I will really miss Ed and his support of GBCA over the years.
Thank you sir for your generosity and for your love of sailing. You will be missed.
Our family will truly miss Ed. There are ties far longer than I realize. Ed has supported GBCA and sailboat racing in the Galveston Bay area for many decades. As a kid, some of our Saturday mornings (if we weren't already out sailing) would consist of a trip to Boat US and the C&C sailloft (long before anything was conveniently located down here). I remember my dad and Ed talking racing, sail design and in general sailing, but never paid enough attention to learn anything. Over the years, I raced with Ed on "Masquerade" and we discussed sail design, racing and sailing in general; this time I listened. We built everything from sunfish sails, to various beach cat sails to innovative square-top mains and screachers for the Condor 40. There was a learning curve, but C&C has the design for one of the fastest 150% on the Bay.
Start looking at the trophy cases and you will see many that are "Donated by C&C Sailmakers". Ed never focused on the one-design scene, he focused on customer service.