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General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: Deckhand on May 27, 2013, 10:25:00 AM

Title: Rum Race 1 05/25/13
Post by: Deckhand on May 27, 2013, 10:25:00 AM
Finally got the photos loaded up on John's Flicker account. The sets are at ( , and the photos of Saturday's Rum Race #1 are at ( . Thanks to Kelley and Betty for being on Tramp. A little roley poley (technical term) on Tramp, but we managed to open that bottle of Champagne! As a added note, to get to the slide show, click a picture and then down at the bottom right of the page are three dots in a row. Click on the dots and an option is there to view the slide show (New Flicker ???).
Scott Lacy
Volunteer, Participate, Support
Title: Re: Rum Race 1 05/25/13
Post by: Bee on May 27, 2013, 10:52:46 AM
Interesting set of pictures, especially the finish.  From what I can tell the girls with poles finished in this order:

French Connection

Title: Re: Rum Race 1 05/25/13
Post by: Christopher on May 27, 2013, 12:29:25 PM
Quote from: Bee on May 27, 2013, 10:52:46 AM
Interesting set of pictures, especially the finish.  From what I can tell the girls with poles finished in this order:

French Connection



Even more interesting is the close finish between Spin-Sprit (Pingo), Spin-NonSprit (Silver Bullet) and NonSpin (Be Easy).
When the conditions are just right for .........
Title: Re: Rum Race 1 05/25/13
Post by: Bee on May 27, 2013, 09:26:32 PM
I agree, but this is not unusual under the conditions we had on Saturday.  There's not a huge difference between the higher number PHRF and/or well sailed PHRF boats under these conditions. You basically had a J24, J22, ODay, and a B36.7 in the mix because the conditions were fairly level and the skippers sail their boats extremely well.  We should not be surprised that they do well when the playing field is level.
Title: Re: Rum Race 1 05/25/13
Post by: hayesrigging on May 27, 2013, 10:00:25 PM
The advantage the asymmetrics have on rum races is when they can carry on the first leg out to "E" on the reverse nights.  Other than that the asym and sym are pretty close on rum races.   I've always thought the rum races are very competitive between the higher rated J22s, J24s and the faster rated boats.  Pretty interesting that we just had a similar discussion about the same sort of thing from the shoe regatta.  For what it is PHRF is not that bad!!
Title: Re: Rum Race 1 05/25/13
Post by: Grind4Beer on May 28, 2013, 08:30:10 AM
Back in the days when sprit boats weren't as numerous (I think Xcitation J105 was the first around here?), it seemed that building or dying breeze during the RumRaces had the most influence relative to handicap. Typically, a building breeze favored the bigger-faster boats who started later, or a dying breeze favored the smaller-slower boats who started earlier. With the sprit boats carrying chutes to 75 AWA or less, that added another factor, as Kevin mentioned, they're more likely to get 2 of 3 legs riding the kite.

Another thing though, is the TGIF races started an hour later on Friday, and though memories of that have been diluted with time (and maybe rum too), I think we've had less TLE since going to all Saturday races. With the breeze dropping at sunset, that used to let the symm-boats carry chutes a bit higher and longer.

Title: Re: Rum Race 1 05/25/13
Post by: Bee on May 29, 2013, 08:46:02 PM
Xcitation was not only the first it was Hull #1.
Title: Re: Rum Race 1 05/25/13
Post by: JASpithill on May 30, 2013, 08:23:31 PM
Where are the Rum Race results posted?