Hi all,
We are new to GB and GBCA and the Texas Coast for that matter. Does anyone have any recommendations for where to keep the boat the night before Harvest Moon in Galveston for a 7' draft? Galveston Yacht Basin seems like the obvious choice, but I've never been to any of the options.
Deepest Marina is still Kemah Boardwalk. Closest to the Bay as well.
Sorry, I wasn't very clear. We are in Seabrook Shipyard, but I wanted to move the boat down to Galveston on Wednesday for the Thursday start of Harvest Moon. Just looking for a spot to keep the boat for one night before the start that is (much) closer to the start.
Actually I did not read well. My Bad.
Methinks you have all of 2 choices:
Harbor House. I think you have to spend the night to get a slip
Galveston Yacht Basin: Might be difficulty to get a slip but you can find that out with a call. We berthed Stinger there during TRW. Not sure they will let anyone tie off at what used to be the visitors pier but that might be worth a shot.
Stinger will be leaving on Thursday morn and motor sailing down. Solves musical car problems for us.
A friend once told me that he just tied off near the Elissa.
Justin, the trek from Seabrook to the starting line in Galveston on Thursday mornings is actually a pretty cool experience by itself. I can recommend it. The start is in the afternoon to allow boats to come down from the marinas in Seabrook and Kemah in the morning. To see the armada of boats filing out of Seabrook and down the ship channel is quite a spectacle. If you want to be down there early, Harbor House is a good choice but may be taken by now. Normally you also have to book a room to get a slip. Galveston Yacht Basin is a decent alternative.
We have stayed at the galveston basin several times. Just call ahead and check in with the fuel dock, they will need a copy of your insurance, and there is pizza place nearby that delivers. Clean bathhouse hot showers.
Usually not full but call ahead