GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: gwittich on September 26, 2013, 08:39:57 AM

Title: Texas Challenge Cup
Post by: gwittich on September 26, 2013, 08:39:57 AM
This year's Texas Challenge Cup is scheduled for this Saturday (September 28).
First gun 1000, up to five races; race area between Seabrook/Red Bluff, HSC and extension of Clear Creek Channel.
GBCA (defending champion) versus LYC; racing J/80's and J/22's.

Signal Boat: Tramp
GBCA team captain: Chris Dees
LYC team captain: Dave Christensen
Spectators are welcome.
Figaro can take a limited number of spectators on board.
If interested, please contact skipper Mike Lecompte - (281) 235-5088
Title: Re: Texas Challenge Cup
Post by: Flying D on September 26, 2013, 11:02:51 AM
Please let me know if you still have room for 2 onboard Figaro. We come bearing rum!

Steve & Marni
Title: Re: Texas Challenge Cup
Post by: gwittich on September 26, 2013, 12:47:29 PM
If you bring Rum, Mike will probably find room for you.
Please give him a call.
Title: Re: Texas Challenge Cup
Post by: gwittich on September 29, 2013, 03:16:33 PM
Anna Willits and crew put LYC on the board in the first race but then defending Champion GBCA quickly closed the deal.
The trophy stays with GBCA - congratulations!

Thanks to Kathy Goethe and Judy Fuller for organizing land activities and trophies, thanks to all on the water RC volunteers (Kelly Dees, Scott and John Lacy, Chris Alk, Josh Ghormley, Sue Collier and Joann Willits on Tramp, Team Captain Chris Dees and Charles Broaddus on OJ's Mako (mark set) and Team Captain Dave Christensen and Jim Crate on the pin boat.
The protest committee (John Butler, Walter Caldwell and Andrea Todaro) had nothing to do - thank you racers!

Shaken not Stirred and Figaro, skippered by Mike Lecompte, were spectator boats and Wyatt Smith and Pete Meeh were out there,too.
Good race, thanks everybody,

Title: Re: Texas Challenge Cup
Post by: Sailaway on September 29, 2013, 05:45:52 PM
And it was some great racing to watch!

Coun't make it out?  Here are the pics.
