Finally..... The new GBCA 2014 Calendars have arrived! All Senior Members will receive a calendar as a perk of their membership. The twelve sponsors provide the funds to make these calendars available. Be sure and visit all of the sponsors and tell them thanks for the calendars. Between the calendars, Senior Members discount (see the home page), and Rum 8).....that should more than make up the difference of a Senior Membership.
I would like to give out as many calendars this weekend as possible, to save some $'s on postage. Stop by the clubhouse and get your calendar after Icicle Race #2. If you cannot make the party, make sure your address is correct in the data base.
Support our Sponsors (SOS) as they support GBCA!
...and if you want one and are not a senior member, you can purchase one for only $130.00. *
* includes FREE senior membership!
Now that's funny Walter. By the way, I mailed my 130 bucks today.
Gee. Do I get two? I'm fat enough for two.
Joking of course.
Bee... You're not fat. You are excess ballast..
Just like Rainman as a driver, I am excellent ballast.
Great looking calender!!! Now the gripe. Rowdy has not shown up in any of the pictures for the past 3 yrs. Bill was a past commodore (twice). I understand sponsorship of photos but still? The one group photos could have Rowdy in the background. BUT still the best calender out there.
The sponsors pick their own pictures, part of the perks of being a sponsors. Not all pictures come from the flickr account that I have but I have included a picture from GBCA Icicle Race 1 2014. Enjoy!
Speaking of Past Commodores.......I counted seven and maybe a couple more I did not see. We even had Past Commodores from HYC and TMCA. We even have one wringing the Super Chicken's neck to keep updates on the Cruising Club's ratings! It is great to see them come out to sail and support this club. I know they have, and still put a lot of time and effort in to making GBCA "The Place to Race". As any Board Member will tell you, it takes a lot of spare time to keep this Club or any Club worthy of your membership dues. Volunteering is always needed for after-party races and especially on Race Committee. We could even use a Volunteer for the new 2015 Calendar....... ;D
The new calendars are in the mail. Thanks to all the sponsors who provided the calendars. This month is the Edward Tom Memorial Page courtesy of Chris Kelly. Edward sailed with, and was a good friend of Chris Kelly and many others. It is a good time to think of all the Family and Friends who have sailed on. Thanks Chris.
I got my calendar yesterday! Thank you so much GBCA! It's really nice and the photos are amazing and it looks really good on my wall.
2013 was a tough year for the Adios crew. Losing Jim wasn't easy. Losing Ed was unexpected. Ed really enjoyed everything about sailboat racing and was one of the best foredecks anyone could ask for. A great picture on the bow of s/v Meris, the Texas flag and epic sunset...Janna captured the moment. Thanks to my great crew who pooled the sponsorship money together. I sent along a calendar to his finace, Sara. Thanks again GBCA!
January has been a wonderful sailing month and it is time to get the boat ready for the rest of the year. February is Blackburn Marine's month on the calendar. Don't forget to use your Senior Member discount card for a 10% discount. It is a good time to get ready for all the regattas and think about signing up for the Emerald Coast Regatta in May. From standing rigging (see attached photo :o) to cleaning supplies, check out Blackburn Marine, and tell Casey and Ruthie thanks for the 2014 GBCA calendar support!
That rigging was NOT supplied by Blackburn. Rather it was compliments of Antares Fly-by-Night Rigging Supply.
Wow! February is almost gone and March starts tomorrow. March is Soak LLC's month ( ( Soak has great products to ensure you sail faster. Also Andrew Lee did all the graphics for the 2014 Calendar. If you see Andrew, thank him for his support. Even better, check out his products at KO, Blackburns, Hayes Rigging, & Bahama Rigging. Support Soak LLC and the local business that sell his product!
Happy April's Fool day! But it is no joke that it is Quantum Sail month of the GBCA 2014 Calendar. If you need sails, stop by Quantum Sail Design Group and check out what they can do for you! Also thank the Quantum crew for their sponsorship of the GBCA Calendar. Without our sponsors, we would have no calendars.
Mayday, Mayday! It's the first of May and it is UK Sail Makers month. Go by and see Pedro and thank him for his sponsorship of the GBCA Calendar. Also check out the web site for his Senior Member Rewards. Mayday, Mayday!
The first Rum Race is run and now you know what you need to go faster. June is KO Sailing month. KO Sailing is more than just small boat supplies. Check out their foul weather gear, electonics, and go fast gear. You can also use your Senior Member Discount card at KO Sailing. Go by and thank KO Sailing for their support of GBCA.
ONO, it's July 1st and I have to get ready for some HOT sailing. Thanks to team ONO for supporting the GBCA 2014 Calendars. Next time they sail by you, tell them thanks for their support! ONO, it's blowing two and they are sailing at seven! ONO, is that Missy?
August 2nd and it is cool outside! It is also Panorama Technologies Month on the GBCA Calendar. Thank Bee Bednar and "Stinger" for his support of our calendars. Hopefully the month will stay as "Cool" 8) as Bee is!
August is leaving a nice cool memory and September is on it's way. With eight sailing events left in the year, maybe it is time to get some boat repairs finished. September is BM Boat Works month. Stop by Seabrook Ship Yard and let Ben fix what you can not! Don't forget to tell Ben and Carolin thanks for their support of GBCA and the GBCA calendars.
Ahhhh, finally cooler weather and Harvest Moon is around the corner. Get those rigs tuned up at our October 2014 GBCA Calendar Sponsor Hayes Rigging. Kevin can rig, fix, and replace anything to do with your "stick"! Keep it safe, and keep it standing up. Give Kevin a call for all your rigging needs and don't forget to tell him thank you his support of our 2014 GBCA Calendar.
November is already here and it is "B Sailing Club" month. Check out the Senior Members Discount page for B Sailing's special 3 hour introductory sail. November will be a great time to get ready for next years racing schedule on a "J" boat. Thank Alan Bates for his sponsorship and support of GBCA's Calendar!
December is upon us and it is the last month of the 2104 GBCA Calendar. December is also Gary Trinklein Photography month. Next time you see Gary, thank him for his support of GBCA. Gary will be on the GBCA Board of Governors for the next two years and is also helping with our calendars for 2015. Now that is Support!