I know it is all volunteer, but it is two weeks until the first TGIS (Rum Race #1). It is about time for the Sailing Instructions to be posted.
We need to start planning boat times, per-race rum drinks, race time jello shots and beers and post race rum drinks. You know the important things.
Nah. No planning required. Here is all you need
For each Rum Race
1 750 ml Rum of your choice + large bag ice
1 750 ml Rum of your choice + large bag ice
Note mixers --- diet Coke and diet Tonic water
Hmm did I duplicate the Rum? Oh, well use it next Rum
At least 2 cases of very crappy American beer for the crew + enough ice to make sure the beer is ice cold
Bad Bee, Bad Bee
1 750 ml Ever Clear for a special crew member
Did I list a 750 ml Rum?
From the 3rd Rum Race on add
1 case of top of the line craft beer for Bee
Patience. The 1st Rum Race is 3 weeks out. 5/31. The powers that be will handle the chore at hand..They always do..