I know this is a busy time of year, But when are the Sailing Instructions going to be posted? May I suggest one addition to the S.I.'s, Class flag must be flown at start and entire race.
I do believe that's already in the constructions. :D
The instructions say you must fly a class flag, true. But if you go into the photo gallery and look you will see several boat not flying class flags at the start, or the first mark but there it is at the finish. I am not apposed to someone going out for a cruise on the rum race course, but please declare your intentions to race vs I'll decide at the finish.
Quote from: Tye Dyed Gary on November 20, 2015, 01:17:33 PM
The instructions say you must fly a class flag, true. But if you go into the photo gallery and look you will see several boat not flying class flags at the start, or the first mark but there it is at the finish. I am not apposed to someone going out for a cruise on the rum race course, but please declare your intentions to race vs I'll decide at the finish.
Good suggestion. Forwarded to the HHIC.
Not only that there are usually different start times for spin and non spin so when did they start?
Where are the SI's?
Not there yet but my two cents is that there we too many races this year when people did not turn in finishes and delayed the process. Going back and sorting it out with pictures takes time and delays the party. Causes stress with the officials. So if you finish first and don't stick around to take numbers your not first anymore. The next boat down the line turns numbers they are first place. When the SI show up they probably have the same form from last year with the page to turn in numbers and times. The one time we didn't do it we could have gotten first place. Also the two boat length no luffing rule needs to be in CAPS or redlined.
Just sayin
Shawn. They may want to capitalize PORT/STARBOARD as well. We had to duck away twice during the Rum Races due to certain PHRF Nonspin boats running the line on port. We yelled and they just laughed. I'll never hit a boat just to prove a point. In any case, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!
Hopefully they will do that. We also had problems with boats not starting with us hanging on the line. We would set up our sequence head for the line and yell at boats to get off the line. Wednesday night came up with a rule if its not your start you have to be nowhere near the line. Too many boats in a little area just not safe. I want to nail the start at full speed with out dodging and crash tacking boats that aren't starting. One boat cost us 5 minutes on our start. We back winded and stalled to avoid collision, then couldn't get speed again. We looked up their start time and they were not close to our start time.
I just thought of something a rule that says no boats allowed in between the channel markers outside of 5 minutes from a start. This would keep the channel clear for regular traffic and our start. We are not restricted by draft. It makes perfect sense.
2016 SI's are posted. Click here (http://gbca.memberlodge.org/resources/Documents/2016%20Icicle%20Series%20Sailing%20Instructions.pdf)
Note: Two significant changes this year
- The No Luffing and Two Boat Separation rules are gone. Standard RRS apply.
- We are trying out a new class to see if there is enough interest. Spinnaker boats with aftermarket sprit will have their own class.
Check your new class flag assignments - to be displayed from start to end of race.
There is a pdf poster that you can download and print to hang on your icebox. Click here (http://www.gbca.org/resources/Documents/GBCA%20IcicleSeries2016Flyer_Letter.pdf)
From the current SIs (bold added by me):
- Spinnaker Factory Sprit class – Any boat designed and built by the Original Manufacturer with a bowsprit (fixed or movable) and carries an asymmetrical spinnaker. This handicap will be assigned by PHRF-GB.
- Spinnaker Aftermarket Sprit class – Any boat not originally designed and built by the original manufacturer to have a bowsprit, but that has subsequently had a permanent bowsprit of any length affixed to the boat added to carry a spinnaker, either of symmetrical or asymmetrical cut. This handicap will be assigned by PHRF-GB.
- Spinnaker Non-Sprit class – Any boat that carries a symmetrical or an asymmetrical spinnaker, and that uses a spinnaker pole, and does not have a fixed sprit of any kind. This handicap will be assigned by PHRF-GB.
What about us boats that want to fly a spinnaker with neither sprit nor pole? Do we need
our own class too? :P
Or boats with an aftermarket sprit that is
not permanently affixed?
...symmetrical boats and assym without sprit sail together? if you have an aftermarket sprit can you choose another class or do they have to sail that class? what happens if there aren't enough to start s class?
Why does it matter if a sprit was added by the factory or by the owner? Fact remains the same, it's a sprit boat. The only difference in sprits is the length of the sprit. PHRF should be fairly rating the boats so that all sprit boats, regardless the length and who installed them, should be competitive with each other.
I've always contended that there should be no separation between a sprit vs non sprit boat in PHRF windward/leeward racing. Let them race in the same class. Irc doesnt differentiate why should we. Rum races on the other hand I think it's good with the reaching type courses that there are separate classes but I think there are far too many options available to entrants in weekend regattas.
I like the idea of deleting the no luffing!!!! That was put in back in the early 90s when we used to do rum races at night (which I think we still should!!!).
So if I read SI correctly first boat doesn't take names they are DQ rest of the boats just turn in time. So how do you know if your not the first boat to cross the line and no one is circling to take names? We have been there several times.
Also I like going to the party early don't like staying out late putting the boat up and then trying to make the party
just saying
as far as no luffing I don't care as long as everybody follows the rules somebody out there still owes me a beer.
What Kevin said ^^^^