GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: Bob H on August 03, 2016, 07:02:14 AM

Title: HMR merchandise available at Bay Cup II Skippers' meeting
Post by: Bob H on August 03, 2016, 07:02:14 AM
I received this notice this morning and was asked to pass it on to GBCA. If you are going to Bay Cup II, check it out!
This year Banks Sails has generously donated a gift certificate to
HMR with a $5000 value towards a sail.  Additionally, North Canvas has donated a gift certificate to HMR with a $2500 value.  The plan is to raffle these items by selling 100 x $100 tickets.

When a person purchases the ticket they decide if they want it to go for the sail or the canvas.

These tickets and other HMR merchandise will first be offered for sale this Friday at the LYC Member Mixer. 

At the Bay Cup II Skipper's Meeting on Friday they can go upstairs to the Commodore's Room and purchase merchandise including clothing and raffle tickets?   The items will also be for sale at the HMR 101 Session on Saturday.