For those of us at work - I just saw some pictures on Facebook -- are those guys floating around out there with zero wind?
Apparently the ones out by HYC bobbed. Or, is that boobed?
I heard from one of the C22 guys that they got zero races in on the B line yesterday. The A line farther south was able to run two races, though the wind went to nill half way through the second race.
Almost a boober. Big boat/J80 line had about 8 knots (at best) first race, 6 legs, wind fading to <5...second race RC put us out of our misery, shortened course..4 knots. 30+ degree shifts, all that. RC must have made 3 or 4 pin mark changes before the race so they tried.
Some good racing between Babe and Solaris on the J105 line.
It still beat working ;)
I'm going to ignore the sailflow forecast for today.
Hopefully the sun will come out..where's my fishing pole?
Day 2: More of the same.
Race 1: Not sure why RC was rolling the starts together so closely (1 minute between classes) on the big boat line. Boats parked/late for the line, things starting to stack up in the ultra light stuff. Luckily abandoned before the fleet of J80s got into the mix of both Lvl70 classes and J105s. Yeah, I'm probably nit picking here. RC has been doing a fine job in such trying conditions. The poor pin boat has been getting a workout chasing wind.
Race 2: Some wind fills in, but not much. Light and shifty. A test of patience. At least the sun came out.
In other news: Info on the oil spill that shut down the channel Sat am. (
For those that travelled here from afar, we have wind here. Really!
Glad everyone came down to Houston to go play. Good to see old friends again.
Some great pics, media summary of the event (
A big thanks to HYC and everyone involved in running this event. We were on the big boat course and thought the RC did a great job. They did a fantastic job in adverse conditions ? we were quite impressed of how quick the line was adjusted and marks were re-set after a big shift on Sunday. We were able to get in two good races after two hours of drifting on Sunday, our last start was 15 min before the time limit ? the J80?s had to cut it real close. Thanks for working hard to get races in!
There seemed to be some good action in both Level 70 fleets. The J105 and J80 fleets were packed tight at mark rounding ? I think the 80s had at least one General ? lots of heated action leading up to the NA?s next month. We also enjoyed some good action in the Sport boat fleet, especially when the breezed piped up a bit. Next year we?re putting this regatta on our calendar and hope to have good numbers in a OD vipe fleet with an additional sport-boat start.
Good to see racing in Galveston Bay is getting back to normal and I look forward to seeing everyone Saturday in Port A.
Sorry, make that a big shift on Sat.
Kuddos to r/c and the event staff... was really impressed on the number of boats racing... There were some challenging starts and racing because of the wind conditions... I do believe we get the trophy for the most General Recalls for the regatta... The committee did a good job on calling the line and we commend their dedication...