The crew page is up.
If you are looking to crew on a boat, or looking for crew; visit our Crew Page:
Over the winter, we shut down the page and cleared it out of previous crews. Everyone on the page is newly submitted. I know of a lot of situations where a temporary crew became a permanent crew member. This is our attempt of match making...
Please note we have a crew flag for those who are able to jump on a boat last minute. This flag is located at the end of the Villa Capri pier and is bright pink. It can be seen across the lake. If you have a boat and needing crew, you will need to sail the boat to the VC to find and pick them up. But, it may be something workable in the future. Or, it may be a windy day and you need one more body.
If someone reminds me at the awards, I will set up a section for available crews where skippers can pick and choose crew.