GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: STuma on April 27, 2018, 10:31:23 AM

Title: Junior Skipper 2018 - DATE CHANGE
Post by: STuma on April 27, 2018, 10:31:23 AM
To accommodate the Texas Youth Race Week, we have decided to move the date of the Junior Skipper Regatta to July 28th. The GBCA Junior Skipper Regatta is the ONLY junior keelboat regatta in the Galveston Bay area.

We are going to try something new for this one; we are going to blend the Jr. Skipper with the existing Rum Race on July 28th. I will get the NOR out next week, but we will have a minimal entry fee, separate class flag for the Jr.s, and will do the awards at the Saturday Social party.

This will give the opportunity for ALL of our youth sailors to get some keelboat experience. We have some fantastic programs, now is the time to get these kids to the next level.

With that, if you have a boat and are willing to host a Jr. Skipper (someone under 18 years of age), please shoot me a message. I will make a list of available boats and available skippers.