In the past Icicle Series there was an advantage to Pole-less Spinnaker boats compared Spinnaker Boats with poles that were included in the same class. These advantages include:
1) Pole-less Spinnakers are advantaged on reaching legs, of which we typically have two reaches on a Rum Course.
2) Pole-less Spinnakers typically carry much more sail area while off the wind compared to Symmetrical Spins.
I understand that these differences should be normalized in PHRF ratings, but the PHRF measurements are based on typical Windward-Leeward racing. As we sail more reaching legs, the Pole-less Gennakers are much more accommodating compared to the cuts of Symmetrical sails. This is compounded in one design symmetrical classes that limit to a single downwind sail.
In fact, there are greater similarities between sprit boats and pole-less spin boats with regards to downwind sailing angles, sail inventory and sail handling.
What do you all think...
Should Pole-less boats get there own class? There have been 12-15 registered in the past two Harvest Moon races, so there are plenty boats yo make a class.
Should the sprit class be changed to an Assymetrical class that includes Pole-less spins?
Love to hear from the Pole-less gang and others.
Ether put all asymmetrical spinnakers together for the above reasons, or pole-less spinnakers there own class. I vote for it's own class because it means more rum prizes.