Has anyone been through Pelican Island Causeway Bridge and/or Galveston Causeway RR bridge lately? There used to be a number of time restrictions and access issues associated with construction. I haven't seen any recent updates. We're going to be over at Pelican Rest for Texas Race Week - working on logistics planning. Thanks.
Andy, Philip Kropf has a Facebook site called The Recreational boater Information Guy. https://www.facebook.com/The-Recreational-Boater-Information-Guy-475834575950536/?hc_ref=ARQsUGBSkj92Hiwq5Q-6KQ4b1VWObFMeI30AbTHOxvsyT4V9YdFiRJ-LNjKRiCwUZu8&fref=nf (https://www.facebook.com/The-Recreational-Boater-Information-Guy-475834575950536/?hc_ref=ARQsUGBSkj92Hiwq5Q-6KQ4b1VWObFMeI30AbTHOxvsyT4V9YdFiRJ-LNjKRiCwUZu8&fref=nf). He just posted an article on the Pelican Island Bridge today. I think it is item 5 (a few pages down). His email is at the top of the page and I am sure he could answer most if not all of your concerns. Sail Fast!
Scott Lacy
Thanks Scott!