GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: rademakerg on July 16, 2018, 05:55:29 PM

Title: 2018 Rum Race #6 & #7
Post by: rademakerg on July 16, 2018, 05:55:29 PM
I am not good at forums and this might be perceived as not the right place to discuss my concerns about the Friday night Rum Races #6 & #7, but here goes.

I feel that the ~6:30-7:30 pm starts will have all the boats finishing in the dark and many, including me possibly finishing ~9:30 pm.  For the small boats, J-22, J24, and even the catamarans, we have no lights, no GPS to find the marks.  I have sailed in the dark with my big boat, 37', but sailing in a race condition on a Friday night with a lot of other traffic including motor boats, I feel this is very challenging if not a very safe situation.

Can we either return to the Saturday format or at least move the start time up at least 1 hour?  I know the thought is a "Friday" race and after people are off work, but this safety issue is real for me.

Thoughts others????
Title: Re: 2018 Rum Race #6 & #7
Post by: Tye Dyed Gary on July 17, 2018, 01:20:04 PM
  Scott is just trying to change things up some. An example is his moving us from "E" mark to "F" mark or as he calls it 'T'. It has been pointed out, about the smaller boats not having running lights. ( I even accused him of doing the night races so the small boats couldn't win the overall results, as the small boats have been in the top 5 for the past two years.) I have the battery powered emergency lights, I use on Wed. nights when we have late finishes.
  The races started out full on Friday evenings,(TGIF) but turnout dwindled to just a few boats, so the Saturday format was added. More and more boats started showing up for the Saturday races, and fewer for Friday evenings. Houston, Friday evening traffic was the biggest excuse.  I was on the BOD when the decision was made to go full on Saturday, keeping the same start times. Then the decision was made to move the start times up so less chance of finishing to late in the evening. AND, that is where we are now.
  I consider Scott a good friend and understand what he is trying to do, and that is get us out of a rut of doing the same thing over and over again.
  But I do agree moving the start time up one hour would be a little safer.
Title: Re: 2018 Rum Race #6 & #7
Post by: STuma on July 24, 2018, 09:21:28 AM
With this topic, I appreciate everyone's concerns and support. I've had equal POV for support and protest for having a Friday night race. At this time, we will be keeping the schedule as published.

Before I proposed this idea to the board, I did consider these concerns, and few more. Below are addressing the concerns:

1. "... a lot of other traffic including powerboats" - The majority of boat traffic, including powerboats, is off the bay about 30-60 minutes before sunset. I have spent many Friday and Saturday evenings at Noah's Ark at sunset watching the bay. We have only noticed 2 or 3 boats on the entire bay at sunset. The majority of traffic will be your friends around you. Maybe that is the concern....

2. The concern about the small boats (even the catamarans) not having lights or GPS.  I am the catamaran. Boats under 6m are not required to have lights, but that's irrelevant. I have an extra GPS if you want to borrow it. I know some classes, like the J-80, are required by class rules to have working running lights. I am not sure about the J-24. With many scenarios of PHRF, running lights are required. Luckily, Channel marker #2 has a red light on it that flashes 6 seconds. Channel Marker #4 flashes at 4 seconds. We used to do these races without GPS and we found the finish by counting the light sequences. I'm pretty sure most of the boats racing have the compass heading, or landmarks, memorized (aim x inches from the water tower) etc...

3. Timing. I've been asked how are people supposed to get down to the bay in time after work. The same way the crews of 40-60 boats do every Wednesday Night for races that actually start earlier. If we moved the start time up an hour, that would make it even harder for people to make it. Maybe kicking out of the office a couple of hours early on a Friday would make some co-workers jealous and curious what this "sailing thang" is.... We are about a month away, so now is the time to submit your time off request to be approved.

4. One that may tie into the competitive night sailing concern; When we would sail from E and finish at night, many times the wind would shift to the right and some boats would have to tack near #2. Coming from the High Range, or M55 vicinity, the course would more likely be off the wind; with boats parading in.

5. How are boats to be identified? Before technology, boats would light up their sail number. The new finishing method solves that. Turn on your RaceQs and input your finish time. Or, light up your class flag and your sail number.

To give an insight of why... August is hot. Getting a boat ready at 3 pm is ridiculous in 95-105 degree weather. I chose August instead of July because Firework Fridays are still going in July. The wind is typically enjoyable 6-10 pm. It usually starts at 2pm, but doesn't really sabilize till sunset.  Friday was chosen so that we can sail and not tie up a day of the weekend. For many people, taking a few hours on a Friday, is much easier with their domestic calendar than half a day on Saturday or Sunday. I have been told this is why many people can do Wednesday Night Races. Well, we shall see.  Because this schedule could be a challenge for some is why I introduced having a "throw out" race.

I rotated the course to the right  for a couple of reasons: 1. The leg from #2 to E or E to #2 has no challenge to it. From E to #2, typically we crack the jib 4" and roll on "auto pilot". That type of course has no challenge, no sail trim, and just becomes a power beat. Many times sailing to M52, some of the race boats could lay the mark with the majority of the fleet having to double tack. That gave them a huge advantage. Or, the early starting boats took advantage of the southerly wind and did not have to tack, where boats starting 30-45 minutes later had to tack a couple of times because the wind already rolled left. Sailing to a mark in the vicinity of M55 gives a more square beat where event the earl starting boats should have to tack. There have been a few races already where most of the fleet was able to lay M55 without tacking. The reach leg from the High Range to #2 becomes a more free reach; barber haulers are needed, sails need to be adjusted, boats are actually having to learn how to reach. I have noticed place changes on the reach leg. I know the wind has been a bit more southerly and has made the reach tighter than expected.

With discussions with people, there have been some good ideas come about; one being to have a seperate evening/night series from the Saturday Night Races.

After we run through this season, I will be willing to listen to people's issues they had after they sailed the races. If there is something we can do to make sailing more interesting, exciting, enjoyable, etc; we can try it. We are always looking for volunteers with ideas and willing to listen to people's experiences on how to make sailing more enjoyable.