GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: Burns on February 03, 2010, 04:39:09 PM

Title: is now on line
Post by: Burns on February 03, 2010, 04:39:09 PM
The New Website is up and running: (

Check it out. Easier searching, less clutter and we now have the ability to modify data as we go.  We are making every effort to add in all of the boats that have received a certificate but were never posted on the old site and checking the accuracy of the current data for all the boats in the fleet.  For this reason alone it is important that you check the data closely on your renewals.  We will still be making modifications until we work out the kinks but for now you can access it and review your boat.  Props go to Stuart Lindow for making this happen.

Another change you will start to see is listing of boats that are up for a rating or are appealing their current rating prior to each meeting, which by the way is scheduled for February 11th at HYC.

If you click on the Agenda tab you will get the 'docket' for the upcoming meeting.  Under section 5, 3 boats had their rating changed at the December annual review.  As per the by-laws the new rating does not go into effect until after the February appeals meeting.  The fourth boat on the list has filed an appeal to his current rating.  It is our objective to post proposed ratings and appeals prior to the actual discussion so that interested parties will have an opportunity to review and comment.  If you do have a comment please let one of the board members know.  Let's not use the GBCA discussion board for that purpose.

Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Charles on February 03, 2010, 05:16:20 PM
Quote from: Screwloose on February 03, 2010, 04:39:09 PM

The New Website is up and running.  ""

Check it out. Easier searching, less clutter and we now have the ability to modify data as we go.  We are making every effort to add in all of the boats that have received a certificate but were never posted on the old site and checking the accuracy of the current data for all the boats in the fleet.  For this reason alone it is important that you check the data closely on your renewals.  We will still be making modifications until we work out the kinks but for now you can access it and review your boat.  Props go to Stuart Lindow for making this happen.

Another change you will start to see is listing of boats that are up for a rating or are appealing their current rating prior to each meeting, which by the way is scheduled for February 11th at HYC.

If you click on the Agenda tab you will get the 'docket' for the upcoming meeting.  Under section 5, 3 boats had their rating changed at the December annual review.  As per the by-laws the new rating does not go into effect until after the February appeals meeting.  The fourth boat on the list has filed an appeal to his current rating.  It is our objective to post proposed ratings and appeals prior to the actual discussion so that interested parties will have an opportunity to review and comment.  If you do have a comment please let one of the board members know.  Let's not use the GBCA discussion board for that purpose.


I like it!
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: ChrisK on February 03, 2010, 06:22:06 PM
Much improved!

With the upcoming season, and a good number of new boats getting active racing, now would be a good time to mention the PHRF Application ( page.

Only $25 or so, think of it as your boat's passport to race...

While I'm thinking about it, being a volunteer on the PHRF committee is probably the most unappreciated job in Galveston Bay.
Kudos to all involved.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Bee on February 03, 2010, 06:50:15 PM
Interesting but not very accurate.  Only J105 listing is for calls sails.  Never able to get an accurate rating for Stinger.  Hopefully Stinger can continue to race OD most of the time.  Not looking forward to a protest.  Guess I should have stayed with class sails.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Bee on February 05, 2010, 03:14:36 PM
Neat.  All works now.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Charles on February 05, 2010, 04:03:44 PM
One neat thing is, now I can match up names and boats.  Good job, Stuart.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Chris P on February 05, 2010, 05:14:34 PM
What's it mean if our data isn't there - or rather, I can find my boat's name, and boat type, but no other data is listed?
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Bee on February 05, 2010, 06:08:00 PM
Quote from: Chris P on February 05, 2010, 05:14:34 PM
What's it mean if our data isn't there - or rather, I can find my boat's name, and boat type, but no other data is listed?

Well in my case is probably means that I am an Old Phart with diminishing skills at mouse clicking.  It took me forever to learn that I did not need to trap a mouse to get on a computer.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Burns on February 05, 2010, 06:14:55 PM
Quote from: Chris P on February 05, 2010, 05:14:34 PM
What's it mean if our data isn't there - or rather, I can find my boat's name, and boat type, but no other data is listed?

Send me an email with your information and I will look into it
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Bee on February 05, 2010, 06:20:14 PM
Invictus is there.  Search on your name.  That is, enter only your name, and search on that.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: DollFin on February 05, 2010, 06:23:16 PM
Same here - nothing for Big D other than the name.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Bee on February 05, 2010, 06:39:07 PM
Hmmm.  Is Dolphin a J30 with a PHRF Spin of 135?
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Chris P on February 05, 2010, 06:43:51 PM
OK, I got it now. I must've had too many conflicting fields filled in or something techy.... seems really great. Hey, will it make me sail faster?
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: tbroadhead on February 05, 2010, 08:55:01 PM
We have opened the database with 500+ boats. We hope to add another 300+ in the next couple of weeks. Not all the data is here yet but have fun while we tweak it and get get everything corrected. You can send me an e-mail on the phrfgb website if have you more info. Thanks for your patience. Tim
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: DollFin on February 05, 2010, 10:39:27 PM
Quote from: Bee on February 05, 2010, 06:39:07 PM
Hmmm.  Is Dolphin a J30 with a PHRF Spin of 135?

If that was meant for me, "DollFin" is just an on-line name I've used for years and not my boat. I'm regular crew on Big D (Peterson 34'). Sorry for any confoozyan! ???   
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Bee on February 06, 2010, 03:29:53 PM
I did a search on Dolphin and the J30 came up.  I tried Big D and that, as you said, produced nothing.  You might try just using the owner's name and nothing else.  That worked for me just fine.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Quest on February 06, 2010, 11:45:05 PM
Wow, I think the new search functionality is a great idea and seems to be working well.  I'm not trying to fault anyone here as I've built a few B2C eCommerce sites and I know these can be a B*$(# to build.  So as long as the developer understands I'm just trying to offer constructive ideas based on my experience. 

First, what about changing the preloaded drop down boxes to simple input fields.  This would allow for faster page loading and more importantly people wouldn't have to scroll down through all of the older boats looking for the one they wanted.

Second, how about changing the SQL operator for all of the criteria to Like statements and automatically append the '%' to both sides of each imput value so that the search becomes a 'contains' search.  For users that allows them to put in a J- and get all the J Boats or a C&C and get all the C&C boats.

Just my $.02.  Even without the changes, it's still a much improved search from the old system and I applaud the effort.  Plus I like that the NSF is now being shown on the results page.  Makes it easier to see what various boats would be if they decided to race N/S.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: tbroadhead on February 07, 2010, 09:23:00 AM
We welcome all input. Thats why we are here!

First, what about changing the preloaded drop down boxes to simple input fields.   

We can do this and we would have to use the "Like" to get enough data in the results.  Will consider.

Second, how about changing the SQL operator for all of the criteria to Like statements and automatically append the '%' to both sides of each imput value so that the search becomes a 'contains' search. 

It would offer more flexability in the searches but on the other hand, there will be more data sometimes than is desired.

Our plan is to get all the rated boats in the search database first and then expand the search ability as our users begin to discover the new approach.

Thanks and feel free to call or email Me or Stuart to discuss.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Bee on February 07, 2010, 09:45:33 AM
I would like to at least see the name list sorted on last name rather than first.
Title: Re: is now on line
Post by: Quest on February 08, 2010, 01:17:02 AM
Tim, I agree that changing the search fields to input with a like and using the wildcards (use them on both sides of the value) could produce more results, but if you're looking for a Beneteau 33.7 for instance and you're like me, you probably can't spell Beneteau right and the two 33.7s are rated differently with different model names (Which probably isn't accurate from the manufactures point of view, but I understand from a rating standpoint if the boats are different), and if you didn't know it you could miss the one you want.  However with the 'contains' search you could enter 33.7 and get the ones you are looking for.   

Anyway just a usability idea.

Bee, it appears (based on looking at the SQL code they are running on the back end query) that names are entered into one field called Mail_Name, and they didn't break out first name and last name into different fields in the database.  Therefore it's not going to be easy to sort on last name vs first name.  It could be done if you make the assumption that only two name with only one space are being used (to seperate first and last name).  I would prefer to see a group of radio buttons on the search page that allows you to change the sort critera before you press 'search'.  That way you could sort on rating, boat name, owner name, Loa, etc....  Another group of buttons could be added to allow you to sort ascending or decending.

Still a lot better than the old site.