GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: thomas on April 19, 2010, 10:30:11 AM

Title: Information on the 2010 Rum Races?
Post by: thomas on April 19, 2010, 10:30:11 AM
I was wondering if the rules for the 2010 Rum Races have been put out, and if so, where they can be found.  If they've haven't been issued, do any of you know if the 2010 rules be similar to the 2009 rules? Will the course be the same?

Thank you...
Title: Re: Information on the 2010 Rum Races?
Post by: ChrisK on April 19, 2010, 01:01:58 PM
The first of the eight race Rum Race series begins May 29th.
Save the date. 
Race one or race them all.

Last year it was not uncommon to have 60+ boats enjoying the evening and a full clubhouse for the awards. 
I doubt there will be significant changes to the Rum Races from last year. 
Will post SI's on ( a little closer to the event.

Similar to the Icicle series: spinnaker, non-spin, GBCA Club handicap and the shorthanded classes are planned. 
In other words, there is something for everyone. 
You don't need a fancy race boat to compete as the races are easy to race, tons of fun, with an awards party afterward. 
Best of all: Rum Races are FREE

Also would like to note that the morning of May 29th will be GBCA's 3rd Annual 'Introduction to Sailboat Racing' class
If you have always thought about trying racing, or know someone that should, now is the time to jump in. 
In a nutshell: it's a chalk talk in the morning, topped off with Rum Race #1 that afternoon.
Several boat owners who attended last year got the racing bug and competed throughout the year.   

Signup information for the Intro class is coming soon.

So by my count it's 40 days to the first Rum Race....
Title: Re: Information on the 2010 Rum Races?
Post by: Bee on April 19, 2010, 01:14:09 PM

I think the Intro to Sail boat racing is virtually equivalent to the Austin Drive a Boat Day.  I had forgotten about this.  I am sure that myself and a certain member of the board would be interested in helping.