If you'd like to join the GBCA Club Handicap for the Rum Race series, please register (free) at:
http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubs/gbca.html (http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubs/gbca.html)
Still time this morning to break out the old GPS and join us in the fun.
http://www.gbca.org/RumRace.html (http://www.gbca.org/RumRace.html)
Kevin, or whoever is scoring for the handicap class:
Figaro's finishing time was 7:54:38.
Sorry, I could not make it to the club house after the race,
Rum Race #1 Finish order, Club Handicap: Still gathering data for the GBCA supercomputer...will update soon
1. Manana
2. Lil-bit-o-sol
3. Curmudgeon
4. Shaken Not Stirred
5. Figaro
Figaro: Thanks for posting finish time...!
Please add KATANA finish time 7:39:10
I have Rum Race 1 finish times for:
Litl Bit o Sol
Shaken Not Stirred
Go for it!
Please let me know if you raced and are not on this list. The Mr. Fusion is loaded with leftover BBQ and the GBCA supercomputer is chomping at the bit.
New ratings for Rum Race 2 are available at:
http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registrant_list.php?regatta_id=2575&custom_report_id=2 (http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubmgmt/applet_registrant_list.php?regatta_id=2575&custom_report_id=2)
Honu, our Catalina 320 and us finished Rum Race 2 at 8:04:44.
New ratings are out for the GBCA Club Handicap class at: