Finish time for Curmudgeon 7:50:35
Results from a great day on the water:
Dolcetto (yes, that Dolcetto!!)
Sea Trial
Be Easy
Far Fig Newton
Big D
Silver Bullet
Seven Stars
Mental Floss
Farfrom worken
GBCA Club Handicap
No results tendered
Figaro........8:08:20 (last place Rum 3)
Go for it ! finished at 19:55:39.
It was a wonderful evening on the bay. Thanks to all who put on the party afterward. And a big CONGRATULATIONS to DOLCETTO, yes THAT DOLCETTO!!!!! Way to go George and crew!
Honu Finished at 8:01:25. Cindy and I had a great sail!
Lil Bit A Sol finished 7:59:45. Who finished first? Another DSQ perhaps?
The series summary is attached to this post.
The GBCA Club Handicap is not updated yet - I am still waiting on the press release to announce the results.
Leigh Ann
Can you at least post just the finish times you have?
Quote from: Curmudgeon on June 15, 2010, 04:39:23 PM
Can you at least post just the finish times you have?
Did you happen to get the times and sail numbers of the 4 boats that finished behind you?
Go to where I posted my time and look in the list of replies, everyone piled on my post to leave their their times.
The first boat to finish must take the times of the next four boats or that boat will be disqualified as per the sailing instructions. No one took the times for the cruising class for Rum 3. Lets see where this goes...
I know Curmudgeon was not FIRST as I was chasing 2 boats with orange flags, one was a Catalina 320, not sure about the other. Lets just take the times we have and from everyone to this point and post them.
Curmudgeon, do you recall was the other boat in front of the Catalina 32 or behind.
This is what I have for overall finishes for Rum Race 3:
1. Katana
2. Curmudgeon II
3. Go for it!
4. Lil Bit A Sol
5. Honu
6. Vigilance
7. Figaro
The second orange boat ahead of Curmudgeon, if there was one, has not come forward. Maybe it was on the grassy knoll or in the book depository. These results will stand for Rum Race 3. In Rum Race 2, Makani Kai started at the wrong time. After realizing the error, he retired, so every body moves up one place from the previously posted (points) results:
1. Figaro
2. Stellar of Course
3. Shaken Not Stirred
4. Lil Bit a Sol
5. Katana
Please remember to turn in your time per the SI. That means if you don?t turn it in at the party, send it to the Fleet Captain Leigh Ann Hawboldt, lahsailing{AT}gmail{DOT}com. If there are known gaps, I will send a reminder e-mail to the fleet via Regatta Network.
Attached is the revised summary spreadsheet with the just hot of the press release of the GBCA club handicap results.
Thought there was another orange flag in Front of the Catalina, but maybe it was not an orage flag I was looking at, it was a ways in front of me and I guess maybe I was doing better than I thought.