Starting to consider I 550 build with a friend
are others really considering
If we get a group maybe we can get bulk orders on plywood etc
In the olden days thats how lightenings, blue jay and optis were build cheaply
Count me in on any group buy for I550 plywood/materials.... I wont build untill next year... I am currently restoring a '72 Fireball so I don't have the space or time untill next year.
I have been following several of the builds for a while. After crewing for three years on a J24, I really like one design racing and have been waiting to see what happens with the Viper or even the WETA. The idea of building this boat really appeals to me, but I am not sure where one would race it. I will consider it if you get something going.
I think it is another one of those classes that takes 2-3 people to jump in and run with it..
I started to help Paul with his that he was building... we looked at using some catameran rudders I had.. pre-determined design... (regarding the i550)
I'd have to agree with that Tuma - building a I550 sounds like a good excuse for three buddies to get together one or two evenings / week to "work on the boat". I can see the work-shop now.. buddies garage complete with stocked fridge ;-)
Weta's are cool little boats, i think two guys from the Lake Canyon area just purchased.
Regardless of which way you go, you're pointed in the right direction. Fast, fun, easy and affordable (ya the viper is expensive out of the bocks but after 5 years of only paying 3K for a full set of sails and towing it with your volvo the saving is realized.
It's a damn shame that there's not a sportboat fleet on the bay yet. Interest is off the chart down there. If you ever want a ride on a viper just hit me up, the weta guy in San Anton is willing to give rides and as soon as Chris get's done with that 550 i'm sure he'll be showing it off on Wed. nights.
It would also be cool if some of you bay guys would get into sporties so we'd see you at other cool events like AYC Gov cup and Wurstfest.
Jeff has a point... sport boats are closer to the future... I have a leak that there might be another F28R on the market... now, if you really want fast, easy sailing... go tri!!!!!
but, I could be a bit biased...
i have been toying with the zen idea of a home boat build, unfortunately my house was built before people owned cars. so no garage. I would be willing to participate though.
How far are you from Pearland... When I start the i550 build next year I'd be willing to partner with someone (share the cost, share the ownership, share the fun!) or maybe even make space in my garage for a second build. I've got a 16' Fireball in the garage right now, 2 i550's would probably fit.