The NORs are posted and Regatta Network is open for entries for the HYC Women's Regatta, Catherine Spiller Regatta and the PHRF 30+ events.
Here are a few more details from the weekly HYC e-mail:
The HYC Women's Sailing Association and Sea Lake Yachts presents the 2010 Women's Sailing Weekend July 17-18.
The weekend will include three regattas to include:
Catherine Spiller Regatta:
On Saturday, July 17 the Catherine Spiller Regatta will be sailed. The Catherine Spiller Regatta trophy will be awarded to the yacht with the lowest cumulative score of the regatta in the PHRF or One-Design Class. The helmsperson must be female; crew may be male or female.
HYC Women's Regatta:
On Sunday, July 18 the Women's Regatta will be sailed. The Fairfax Moody perpetual trophy will be awarded to the yacht with the lowest cumulative score of the regatta in the Spinnaker Fleet. The helmsperson and all crew must be female.
PHRF 30ft + Regatta:
In addition, on Saturday and Sunday, the PHRF 30ft. + Regatta will be sailed. The PHRF 30ft. + Regatta trophy will be awarded to the yacht with the lowest cumulative score for the regatta (two days). Helmsperson must be female and 60 percent of the crew must be female. All yachts will sail non-spinnaker. The Notice of Race is posted online at on the Race and Regatta page. If you have any questions, e-mail Julie Goetschius at jbgsails at verizon dot net
Attention All Women Sailors
Women's Sailing Weekend at HYC
July 17th and 18th, 2010
Something for everyone!
Three different regattas from which to choose!
Saturday, July 17th -- Catherine Spiller Regatta
The Catherine Spiller Regatta trophy will be awarded to the yacht with the lowest cumulative score of the regatta in the PHRF or One-Design Class. The helmsperson must be female; crew may be male or female.
Sunday, July 18th -- Women's Regatta
On Sunday, July 18 the Women's Regatta will be sailed. The Fairfax Moody perpetual trophy will be awarded to the yacht with the lowest cumulative score of the regatta in the
Spinnaker Fleet. The helmsperson and all crew must be female.
Saturday and Sunday, July 17th and 18th -- PHRF 30+ Regatta
The PHRF 30ft. + Regatta trophy will be awarded to the yacht with the lowest cumulative score for the regatta (two days). Helmsperson must be female and 60 percent of the crew must be female.
All yachts will sail non-spinnaker. The Notices of Race for the HYC Women?s Sailing Weekend are available at:
After Race Party on Saturday
Awards on Sunday
If you have any questions, e-mail Julie Goetschius at jbgsails at verizon dot net
The Women's Sailing Association of HYC is raffling a kayak.
The drawing will be held at the trophy presentation of the Women's Sailing Weekend
Sunday, July 18
The proceeds will go to the WSA Scholarship Fund which supports women's sailing and women sailors competing in events of all kinds.
The kayak is a 13ft. Perception Acadia. It includes a paddle and floating bowline.
Raffle tickets are $10 each or three for $25.
Don't miss out on a chance to own this awesome kayak!!
Tickets on sale during the regatta weekend.
Hey Girls (and Guys), hope you can join the sailing fun at HYC for the Women's Sailing Weekend, July 17-18. Go to to see the NOR and entry form. Catherine Spiller Regatta, Women's Regatta and 30ft. + Regatta. Something for everyone!! Email any questions to Hope to see you there!
Hey Ladies, I registered tonight. How many GBCA chicks can we get? Bring it! I'll see y'all this weekend on the water!
Beverly - can we just go with you?
Snag one of the local racing machines and get a crew together. I'm only able to go on Sunday, but I entered in the 2-day 30'+ regatta, so the bragging rights are open to anyone who makes it happen. Leslie and Terri are taking Revolution. I'm sure you can get a loaner for the weekend.
Uhm, Stinger needs to test her adjustments for TRW. If you've got a race or two she could do that in that would be great.