Rum Race #6 is this Saturday (8/14)
It's the only way to beat the heat (!
A friendly reminder to fly your class flags:
GBCA Club Handicap (Orange Flag)
PHRF Spin (White flag)
PHRF Non-spin (dark flag) and the
Shorthanded (SOS) class (White over dark flag)
If you want to try shorthanded, this event would make a nice practice run for the GBCA Single/Mixed Doubles August 21 and 22.
Otherwise, bring a newbie along and introduce them to our fine sport!
Bring the crew over for awards at the GBCA Clubhouse after the racing.
Winners share in their liquid winnings!
If you miss Rum Race #6 the other dates (only two more!):
August 28, September 4
Your lovely hosts this week are Vicky and Beverly.
As always, volunteer help with setup and cleanup is appreciated!
If Rum Race 6 is this Saturday. When will the GBCA super computer be activated to adjust the PHRF'S from the last race? Inquiring minds want to know!
New ratings for Rum Race 6 are available at: (
Who said there is no wind in August? We saw 18 knots...
50 boats came out to play
Preliminary Results, misspellings and all:
PHRF Nonspin
1. Sabani
2. Island Time
3. Tenacious
4. Big D
5. Chiron
Shorthanded - SOS
1. Lucky J22 - Ruder
2. Vela
3. Silver Bullet
4. Selah
5. Columbia 36 - Lamar Lunatic Fringe
PHRF Spinnaker
1. Gold Rush
2. Stinger
3. Mojo
4. Parrot Tales
5. Zippity
GBCA Club Handicap
1. Astarte 19:34:32
2. Tropicale 19:35:18
3. Figaro 19:35:55
4. Skalawag 19:38:26
5. Shaken Not Stirred 19:42:08
6. Wandering Star 19:43:12
7. Yippie Hi Ho 19:50:18
8. Lil Bit o Sol 19:50:37
9. Curmudgeon 19:51:01
10. Katana 19:53:18
11. Green with Envie 20:31:00
Just to clarify, Lamar's Columbia 36 (5th place in SOS) is called Lunatic Fringe.
Tramp got out there just a little late but did manage to get some pictures! Didn't make it to the party since we found a cold bottle of champagne on our brother's boat ;D
m/v Tramp
As usual, spectacular shots John. Absolutely spectacular. I really like those of a certain red and white A-Kite.