The new ratings after Rum Race 7 have been calculated and posted at: (
Is summer really over? We've had such great turnout this year!
So many great races (and pictures) to prove it!
So start the long weekend off right... Rum Race!
A reminder to fly your class flags:
GBCA Club Handicap (Orange Flag)
PHRF Spin (White flag)
PHRF Non-spin (dark flag) and the
Shorthanded (SOS) class (White over dark flag)
If it's light air it may be a little dark at the finish, so fly those flags, maybe use a flashlight on those flags to help the leaders take their results. PHRF club handicap racers, write down you finish time so we can continue to feed the GBCA supercomputer.
Bring the crew over for awards at the GBCA Clubhouse after the racing.
Winners share in their liquid winnings!
While at the clubhouse, bring some cash, and buy a sporty GBCA t-shirts for your crew...only $10/per!
Now that you have the Rum Races mastered, sign up ( for the GBAD on September 18th and 19th and our other great events.
(btw: The GBCA Icicle Series in January is the same pursuit style race format as the Rum Races, just cooler)
Note: The overall Rum Race Series winners are awarded at the Commodores Ball, January 29, 2011.
As always, volunteer help with setup and cleanup is appreciated.
How about starting the Rum Races an hour earlier. At least the last 2 races. 1 1/2 legs in the dark sucks.
It is also difficult to see the finishers for placement. If ya'll don't like that idea, how about monitoring 72 and hailing at the finish line. Just a thought here.
No! Moon light sailing is fantastic! :o
These used to be an hour later. I miss those days. :(
We were sailing along, on Moonlight Bay .....
This Saturday, September 4, we will have a nearly-new moon that will be on the wrong side of the Earth when we're racing. However, I'd be glad to go up in the bosun chair to act as substitute so that we may have a full moon. Do be warned that I haven't shaved back there in a while.
I'm all for it - as long as you remain anchored next to the J-rig until sunrise.
Nice comment RED BARON!
Maybe if the finishes could be called on the radio (ch# 68) by the first place boat, so we know who is supposted to be taking names. And this way those who have not finished know were they are in the line up( kind of like the Harvest Moon Race)! I have yet to see anyone in the GBCA class circling for numbers(other than me) and I have been in the top five finishes four times. Just my thoughts!
We will be selling the last of the 2010 Regata de Amigos shirts at the Rum Race 8 after-party.
Hawaiian shirts, regular and technical polos for $20.00. T-shirts for $10.00. That?s 50% off the regular prices.
Come on down to GBCA this Saturday night. First come, first served. Cash or check only. These prices are insane!
Quote from: Eric713 on August 31, 2010, 05:03:29 PM
How about starting the Rum Races an hour earlier. At least the last 2 races. 1 1/2 legs in the dark sucks.
It is also difficult to see the finishers for placement. If ya'll don't like that idea, how about monitoring 72 and hailing at the finish line. Just a thought here.
In the origianal TGIF series, it used to be customary that each finisher flashed a light on their sail number when they are finishing... plus, only need to grab five and the leader usually knows where the next couple of boats are...
I personally think there should be a regatta at night.. brings a whole new aspect into sailing...
Lions and Tigers and Bears and Night Sailing........oh my!
Back in the last century, the Rum Rcae was TGIF (Thank God It's Friday). The best I, can remember is the first start was around 1800. After several years, some of the senior members asked that we run a few of the races on Saturday. They wouldn't have to rush down here from the other side of Houston and could involve more families. The race instructions said the start times were for Friday starts, Saturday starts were one hour earlier. You also had to light up your sails for a minute after you crossed the finish. This would be a good practice to maybe reinstate back in the SI's.
After dark Round the Bouys races. FUN!!!
Our start time on Psyched used to be around 7:28 in the old Friday night races. I recall finishing a few of the rum races around 11:30 ish. We would get to Crocs just in time for last call (Where Valdos is now), that was before Seabrook Beach Club opened.
I agree, I love sailing these things at night!! Hopefully this Sat. we can do some night planning on the Melges!!!!! That would be fun. Lights on the sail numbers is a good idea. At least now we have alot of light coming from Fertitaville that we didnt have in the early 90's.
What an evening, and what a way to end the series! Good winds, fair temps and a really neat red sunset.
Prelim results:
Big D
Be Easy
Tom Foolery
Short hand:
Rolanna Sue
Sail #65
Figaro 7:48:48
S2 7.9 (Augie) 7:50:35
Shaken n Stird 7:52:20
Crumudgon 7:53:50
Lil bit Sol 7:56:45
Stella of Course 7:57:25
Katana 7:59:44
Parrot Tales
French Connection
Black River (Melges32)
See you for the Womens, Saturday!
Really a gorgeous evening. Wonderful sail in spite of learning that we could not fly the 110 as high as the old white 89. To bad this was the last one. Thank goodness the weather is not like this year around. We could not afford to live here.
Sail #65 is boat "Mental Floss"
Sail #65 is boat "Mental Floss"
It was really a gorgeous evening! Thanks, GBCA, for organizing the Rum Races!
Quote from: hayesrigging on September 01, 2010, 02:24:11 PM
Our start time on Psyched used to be around 7:28 in the old Friday night races. I recall finishing a few of the rum races around 11:30 ish. We would get to Crocs just in time for last call (Where Valdos is now), that was before Seabrook Beach Club opened.
I agree, I love sailing these things at night!! Hopefully this Sat. we can do some night planning on the Melges!!!!! That would be fun. Lights on the sail numbers is a good idea. At least now we have alot of light coming from Fertitaville that we didnt have in the early 90's.
Kev, was that when the engine started or not?
Pictures from Rum Race #8 are at: (
A slide show is at: (
What a great sunset!
Rum Race #8 time lapse video - see the whole race in 5 minutes. Watch it in HD. (
Man, that boat was hauling the ass!
Was that Mary taking a drink of her beer every 1.2 seconds?
My minds hurts now...
Yup - that was me, I had no idea that I must have had a case of beer on the first beat until I saw the video!