Just a reminder that awards for Series 4 will be presented at the Club Classic this coming Wednesday, September 22nd, after the first Semi-Final (8:30-ish?). Awards for Series 5 will be presented following Semi-Final 2, and Series 6 will be presented following the Finals.
Our season is not yet over! Come out and pull for your Class Champion, and support our primary club sponsor. As a new idea, if you want to anchor on the lake and let your boat serve as a pick and cheering platform, we'll set the course up to take proper advantage...
The End of Year Party and Awards Banquet will be at the Club Classic on Wednesday, October 13 from 6 - 10:30 pm. Go to the Wednesday Night website http://www.clearlakeracing.com (http://www.clearlakeracing.com) for more details...
Of the nine, who is racing the first semi-final today (9/22)?
Look for boats on the water about 3:30?
Congrats to all who made it!
Results for Semi-Final 1 are posted at http://www.clearlakeracing.com?pageID=421 (http://www.clearlakeracing.com?pageID=421).
The latest news is posted on the home page: http://www.clearlakeracing.com (http://www.clearlakeracing.com)
Is there something going on with the web site? I have been trying to go to it sense Monday night. The site keeps coming up with an "page error".
Same here!
Me too, I get a "Bad Gateway" message
Who's in the finals?
New Web Site for CLRA:
Ben Miller
Mattia D'Errico
Tom Meeh
Ruthie And Casey Lambert
As Charles correctly pointed out, http://www.clearlakeracing.org (http://www.clearlakeracing.org) is the new web site url, but http://www.clearlakeracing.com (http://www.clearlakeracing.com) will point to it very soon too (propagation throughout the DNS system is taking its sweet time about the change).
The new web site is a little underdeveloped, but I will be adding pics and filling out the content over the next week.
Thanks for your patience! A new web site is long overdue...
If you RSVP'd for the End of Year Party, or cast your ballots for Most Improved, Sportsmanship, or Best Individual Crew on the old web site, please take the time to do it again on the new one.
Quote from: Bob Hunkins on September 30, 2010, 12:38:48 PM
Ben Miller
Mattia D'Errico
Tom Meeh
Ruthie And Casey Lambert
Damn, that's a pretty talented lineup for the Finals... May just have to come down next week to spectate.
Wednesday Night Racers: While the season is still fresh in your brain, take a moment and click on the direct links to vote:
Sportsmanship Ballot (http://clearlakeracing.org/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=2&Itemid=58)
Best Crew Ballot (http://clearlakeracing.org/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=3&Itemid=59)
Most Improved Ballot (http://clearlakeracing.org/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=4&Itemid=60)
RSVP for EOY Party (http://clearlakeracing.org/index.php?option=com_contact&view=contact&id=5&Itemid=61) Wednesday 10/13 Club Classic $15 then $20 at the door
Pictures from last Wednesday night's semifinals can be seen at
http://www.pbase.com/gtrinklein/2010wnrsemi2 (http://www.pbase.com/gtrinklein/2010wnrsemi2)
To view the photos as a slide show:
http://www.pbase.com/gtrinklein/2010wnrsemi2&view=slideshow (http://www.pbase.com/gtrinklein/2010wnrsemi2&view=slideshow)
Pictures from the finals are at:
http://www.pbase.com/gtrinklein/wnr2010final (http://www.pbase.com/gtrinklein/wnr2010final)
For a slide show:
http://www.pbase.com/gtrinklein/wnr2010final&view=slideshow (http://www.pbase.com/gtrinklein/wnr2010final&view=slideshow)
Just a little reminder that the End of Year Party for the Wednesday Night Sailboat Races is tomorrow night at the Club Classic...
Social Hour starts at 6:00 pm
Food at 7:00
Slideshow, Music, Trophies, Door Prizes, a talk about the status of the Wednesday Night Races...
I hope to see you there!
Great party Buddy - thanks to all the RC and competitors for making the Wednesday night racing so much fun year after year!
Thanks for another great summer and party.