GBCA Discussion Forum

General Category => Galveston Bay Area Racing => Topic started by: sailfastliveslow on November 03, 2010, 12:08:22 PM

Title: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: sailfastliveslow on November 03, 2010, 12:08:22 PM
Two weeks out and the registration's looking mighty thin.  You sailors there in Houston holding back on registration, or is this another sparsely attended event out of HYC?  Last year something like 60 boats competed.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: JayZ on November 03, 2010, 12:12:52 PM
I may come out and sail the non spin distance race if it makes.  I hope to encourage a few friends to come out as well. 
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: MaryM on November 04, 2010, 09:01:54 AM
Surprised that HYC doesn't put up a link to thier open regetta registration on the GBCA forum like LYC does.  Certainly would help HYC get the word out.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: JayZ on November 04, 2010, 09:03:50 AM
There is a link from the calender page though.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: Chris P on November 04, 2010, 10:33:48 AM
We'll come out and play in the non-spin distance.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: Frank Tamborello on November 04, 2010, 10:39:05 AM
From the point of view of a symmetrical spinnaker boat, what's supposed to be the difference between the "PHRF Sym" and "PHRF Spinnaker Distance" fleets, just longer courses?
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: ChrisK on November 04, 2010, 10:53:39 AM
Try this: (

In Regatta Networks, you have to scroll to the near bottom and find the event. RN doesn't make it as easy as it could be.

Of course, all the yacht clubs, sailing clubs, one design classes, etc. are welcome to post NOR/various Galveston Bay racing news here...
No, you don't have to be a GBCA member to post...but just in case you do want to be part of the coolest racing club around click here (  8)
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: sailfastliveslow on November 04, 2010, 12:24:22 PM
Well I see couple more registered.  Let's keep chatting it up, more and more.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: Christopher on November 04, 2010, 04:23:54 PM
Quote from: Frank Tamborello on November 04, 2010, 10:39:05 AM
From the point of view of a symmetrical spinnaker boat, what's supposed to be the difference between the "PHRF Sym" and "PHRF Spinnaker Distance" fleets, just longer courses?

"PHRF Spinnaker Distance" = distance race around fixed gov't marks; regardless of sym/asym; typically 1 race per day
"PHRF Sym" = W/L buoy races; Sym spin only; typically more races, shorter distance; total race distance might work out to be same as distance race.
"PHRF Asym" = W/L buoy races; Asym spin only...
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: marc on November 04, 2010, 09:00:46 PM
Is it really necesary to split the Sym & Asym fleets? That B25 vs the J80's could be interesting.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: sailfastliveslow on November 04, 2010, 09:25:31 PM
Exactly.  This week the B25 is racing in a PHRF Spin fleet at Canyon that has at least 4 Asym boats: 105, 92, M24, and U20.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: Bee on November 05, 2010, 07:09:50 AM
Looks like an exciting bunch in the spinn class.  The 105 is Aftershock.  They will have to hope the wind Gods are favorable. 

Wish I could go.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: STuma on November 10, 2010, 05:50:14 PM
Quote from: marc on November 04, 2010, 09:00:46 PM
Is it really necesary to split the Sym & Asym fleets? That B25 vs the J80's could be interesting.

Splitting the Asym & Sym is  nice thought, if we have over 100 boats racing, but it really isn't practical.  It should be some good racing either way.  I think the Olympic Cirlce should make a come-back.

Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: JayZ on November 11, 2010, 04:59:05 PM
Between my Alden Caravelle -Banjo Girl, my old stead x-Shared Watch now Harmonious Rapport the Alberg 37 and the Cape George 36 -Bay Girl we have the beginning of a great classic class in the N.S. Distance.  -I can't remember the last time there were three full keeled classics in a Regatta on the bay.  ...not counting the Ensign OD class of course.  It would be really cool to see the class splits based on keel design -never happen but still sure would be fun to see about 6 or 7 old full keel CCA era boats out there.

Let's see some more classics come out.  ...where are you Antares?  Danelaw?  not full keelers but still classics.  any other 40 year old boats out there?

Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: DollFin on November 14, 2010, 11:04:12 AM
Quote from: JayZ on November 11, 2010, 04:59:05 PM
any other 40 year old boats out there?


Conditions permitting, we might enter the Soling. :)
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta
Post by: JayZ on November 15, 2010, 12:33:41 PM
Quote from: DollFin on November 14, 2010, 11:04:12 AM
Quote from: JayZ on November 11, 2010, 04:59:05 PM
any other 40 year old boats out there?


Conditions permitting, we might enter the Soling. :)

...that means big winds and heavy chop right? ;)
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: sailfastliveslow on November 16, 2010, 02:51:25 PM
COME ON FOLKS!  CRANK UP THE REGISTRATIONS!  Only 72 hours to go and we have a measly 32 boats registered. Alamitos Bay is running a Turkey Day same day and they already 200+ boats!  WTF Texas, let's kick some West Coast Ass and get a few more showing up for a wonderful regatta this coming weekend.

Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: Frank Tamborello on November 18, 2010, 11:56:24 AM
Quote from: sailfastliveslow on November 16, 2010, 02:51:25 PM
COME ON FOLKS!  CRANK UP THE REGISTRATIONS!  Only 72 hours to go and we have a measly 32 boats registered. Alamitos Bay is running a Turkey Day same day and they already 200+ boats!  WTF Texas, let's kick some West Coast Ass and get a few more showing up for a wonderful regatta this coming weekend.


Agreed! We could especially use some more boats in the phrf spin distance fleet?there's only three of us!
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: JayZ on November 18, 2010, 07:13:28 PM
Quote from: Frank Tamborello on November 18, 2010, 11:56:24 AM
Quote from: sailfastliveslow on November 16, 2010, 02:51:25 PM
COME ON FOLKS!  CRANK UP THE REGISTRATIONS!  Only 72 hours to go and we have a measly 32 boats registered. Alamitos Bay is running a Turkey Day same day and they already 200+ boats!  WTF Texas, let's kick some West Coast Ass and get a few more showing up for a wonderful regatta this coming weekend.


Agreed! We could especially use some more boats in the phrf spin distance fleet?there's only three of us!

----I prefer to race distance with a spin also but don't have one yet for Banjo Girl.   That said, y'all could always come over to the N.S. distance we've got a good group of PHRF C (read slow) boats shaping up.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: Grind4Beer on November 18, 2010, 09:57:10 PM
I just finished installing a new fwd hatch, and redoing the bowlights turned into a 2-weekend project at about 4:30pm last Sunday, so I've swapped one duck-tape spot on the foredeck for another ... Argh!! ... It needs to get done, though, so y'all have fun racing for turkeys, I'll be wedging wiring into the pointy end ...

Silver Bullet won't be out this weekend but look out in January, and I've got 2-wks of use-it-or-lose-it vacation in December. So, if anybody wants to bang around the bay on weekdays, get in touch ...

Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: Burns on November 21, 2010, 07:46:23 AM
If you like racing in 10-15 knots, sunny skies and mid 70's temps and you did not enter this one you missed a great day.  Kudos to the HYC Race Committee for packing in 18 legs of fun racing yesterday.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: sailfastliveslow on November 21, 2010, 10:12:33 PM
PHENOMENAL sailing in Houston this weekend!   Weather perfect.  Committee perfect.  Crew work perfect.  Results, well, almost perfect.  Big thanks to HYC for really, really well run event.  Apologies for skipping out of awards ceremony...long drive back to Corpus.  Apologies to Soverel for near cluster-frack on final closed my front door and all I had was the back door to stick it in.  Wait, that doesn't right :o.  Well, you know, leeward rights :D
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: marc on November 21, 2010, 10:30:50 PM
I have to say, that HYC distance course is a very good race course.

We hopped in it at the last minute when no PHRF B materialized, just thinking we would sail around the bay with friends like a rum race. It turned out to be a much more interesting course than I ever expected. The 8.5- 9.0 miles, were almost half Windward Leewards with 5 or 6 mark roundings, the legs were short enough to keep things interesting, the mix of boats meant that even the reaching legs involved opportunities to pass, or defend your weather hip. We had a few jibe sets, a sale change or two mid-leg. The long weather leg off the start put a premium on starts and upwind tactics. The long downwind leg to finish provided the chance to work the angles and puffs. All of this while sailing in the relatively flat water and little trafficked far upper bay off HYC.

I recommend that as a nice change of pace if you ever want to do something different. From a race management perspective it may not be completely crazy to do that course sometime as 1 race of a regatta otherwise made up of WL races, since it can be sailed in under 2 hours with any kind of wind.

Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: ChrisK on November 22, 2010, 08:32:29 AM
No apology needed sailfastliveslow.  That little red B25 is an impressive machine, higher faster, sailed with minimal mistakes. 

Thanks for coming to Houston to play. It's good to see so many road warriors with you and the Viper crowd.  It keeps it interesting. I just wish more PHRF B Spin woud come out to play. We have some good boats here.

Also, great job James Liston and the rest of the gang on RC. 
A fine weekend of racing to end 2010.

Looking ahead, the 2011 Galveston Bay schedule ( is posted....
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: Jonsey on November 22, 2010, 10:02:28 AM
GREAT regatta!  RC work was super!   Perfect weather and great company.

Chris, we're going to be looking over the Calender... certainly a few takers for the single / mixed doubles...  but the fleet is talking about heading down for at least two or three OD event's on the bay next year. 
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: bshores on November 22, 2010, 11:11:39 AM
Jeff, any Viper gopro vids from the weekend?  Looks like you had good conditions for it.
Title: Re: HYC Turkey Day Regatta 2010
Post by: Jonsey on November 22, 2010, 09:25:31 PM
Afraid not Brian, but looks like there will be at least three new reasons to take the fleet to hyc this spring.

Let me back up, Juan took his go pro but just held it.....  We ll see what he ends up with.

Hope momma and the new additions are all doing well.