Go to: http://www.regattanetwork.com/clubs/gbca.html and you will find the 2011 Icicle Series Race Instructions under the Notice of Race link.
Start planning now and put on your "Dear Santa I have been good list" cold weather gear for sailing!!!
Please note the following...
1. You do not have to register for the Icicle Series and there is no entry fee (but if you haven't done so yet, this would be a great time to join GBCA... http://www.gbca.org/memberappfm.html )
2. There has been a change to the race instructions from the previous years. Under section VIII. Special Instructions the following paragraph has been deleted -
In the event the Race Chairman determines that the weather is too severe to race, the Race Chairman may cancel the race by announcing on the VHF, Channel 68 that the race is officially canceled. This announcement will be made at approximately 11:15 am.
the following paragraph has been added -
Attention is called to RRS 4: Decision to Race, "The responsibility for a boat's decision to participate in a race or to continue racing is hers alone."
Everyone have a great holiday season and I will see you in January!
GBCA Icicle #1 is THIS WEEK 1/8.
Got your crew ready?
Let's see:
-Class flag *check*
-Foul weather gear, hat, wool socks, gloves *check*
-Change of dry clothes *check*
-GPS with waypoints *uh, hmm...
-Copy of Icicle SI's for boat *see above
-Boat beer *check*
-Thermos with appropiate hot toddy *check*
Your post-race clubhouse hosts this week are: John Mather, with assist by Kevin Bednar in the cleanup
Be sure to bring your class results (and finish times for you Club Handi racers) to the post race.
We've got some rum to drink.
The weather looks pretty good for tomorrow.
The nasty stuff will hit Sunday so if you're going to go out and play this weekend, Icicle #1 is where it's at!