All yachtsmen and yachtswomen of high character and yachting ethics are hereby invited to participate in the Judge Elihu Smails Memorial Regatta to be held concurrently with the Feb 12, 2011 Icicle race. To enter the Flying Wasp class, simply participate in the Icicle race in a manner becoming of the late Judge Smails. Ascots are required. Participating in the Flying Wasp class does not preclude the yacht from racing in the other Icicle classes.
Participants will be judged on style. The winner will be determined from a panel of Judging Judges. A prize will be awarded at the after-race party. All decisions of the Judging Judges are final. If you have any questions regarding what you should do or not do, ask yourself, ?What would Judge Smails do?? Then do that.
"What would Judge Smails do?" I like that a lot.
Count me in!
Ascot, blue blazer and yachie cap...
"You'll get nothing, and like it!"
Bought it all at the second hand store in Katy but the cap, and the cap on Amizon. Less than $15, price less if I win!
Count us in.... :)
Silver Bullet
I got my blazer at goodwill, yachtie cap at a costume store and the ascot an old bandana.
Bonus points if you're spotted driving around Clear Lake in proper yachting attire...
Looks like m/v Tramp will be back out for Icicle #5 to fully document this event.
3 more boats in Club Orange (Handicap) have signed up just this week.
At least 2-3 multihulls are planning to be out there.
Even the long range weather looks good, with temps in the low 60s?
Perfect weather for the Flying Wasp Class...who are always...well, perfect.